Lotus Eaters Organization in Qir | World Anvil
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Lotus Eaters

The Lotus Eaters are the largest Dakrashi religion, and the second most prolific religion in the Qirish Pantheon. Lotus Eaters are known for their ritual of consuming the poisonous lotus flower, causing intense psychedelic reactions in the body, which are used to explore the void beyond the physical world.


Lotus Eaters are a distinctly disorganized religion. For most adherents, the faith is personal and they worship as individuals. However, there are sects within the religion that worship and travel together as Dens. At the upper echelons of the religion, there are high priests known as Lotophages, who are said to have passed through all nine Gates of Enlightenment.

Divine Origins

Before the jungle and the desert were intertwined, it is said that a mad Dakrashi wandered into the desert seeking enlightenment. Deprived of all forms of sustenance, he found the Gates of Enlightenment there and passed through them. He brought this knowledge back to Dakrash and the Lotus Eaters were formed.

Tenets of Faith

It can be said that Lotus Eaters are explorers of the void. Adherents have a loose objective of discovering and passing through the Gates of Enlightenment, but ultimately they simply believe that exploration of oblivion is the path to knowledge and ascension.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Children of the Lotus, Void Walkers


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