A man is only as strong as his spear, and a spear is only as strong as the man who wields it.The Spear of Zilopnou is a powerful weapon, previously wielded by the great Tichan Zilopnou himself— until his very death. After which, none have seen the spear. The spear possesses several unique properties, which has led to numerous myths surrounding its usage and disappearance.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
1lbs, thought often feels weightless
5' 3", 1.5" radius
Heya Timey! Really interesting article! I like the reveal there at the end - that it has a mind of its own and that it's like a finger of this huge invisible god-thing.. Really cool stuff :D There's a few places where you've capitalized words after a title btw:
Good luck with the rest of summer camp :DCreator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Thank you! That's an issue with me writing with speech to text more for this one, I gotta type conlang'd words and names myself— which causes it to think the next thing I say is a new sentence! Likewise!