Tichan Zilopnou Character in Qet | World Anvil

Tichan Zilopnou


A man born into this world is but a man. A man born in Lliaq, is Lliaqeu.
— Tichan Zilopnou
  Tichan Zilopnou was a figure beloved by the Lliaqeu people. Under him the city-state had thrived, and his philosophy tapped into the heart of Lliaqeu culture— impacting it greatly. It is no surprise that when his former subjects realized his long-term goal of uniting the city-states within Cipou Canyon that they named the new nation after him— Zilopnou.  

The Philosopher King

Zilopnou had long been a renowned student within the schools of Lliaq, not only becoming a skilled fighter— but a sharp-witted, knowledgeable man as well. He served in the military through most of his younger years, climbing up the ranks and earning the title of general after a time. Throughout his life, the man penned scrolls of his beliefs which have since become known as Zilopnouout or Zilopnou's Law— a set of scripts still studied and widely regarded by the Lliaqeu to this day.
  By the time he had been elected as one of the two Tichantin, he had become strengthened through his many experiences in battle and tucked away in his study— moreso than the other Tichan, Ciheptue, who— as a young, somewhat unprepared man— was more than happy to allow Zilopnou to command him. This, effectively, created one of the rare moments in Lliaq history where there was but one true Tichan.
  Under him the city-state of Lliaq had thrived, reaching greater heights than ever before. Each year's harvest seemed more fruitful than the last, their scholars made new breakthroughs at a seemingly unprecedented rate, their seafarers found new— faster— routes through to Rektouzk— and it is said that every Lliaqeu born during this period of time did not cry. How could they, when ruled by such a great leader?
  Zilopnou made a point to accompany the armies he sent into battle, for what ruler could claim themselves strong while never setting foot on the battlefield? His prowess in combat was legendary, and it is said that the ornate spear that never left his side was magic. Some who claim to have met the man would say of the spear that it emanated an aura of strength— though scholarly Lliaqeu would laugh at the notion.
You are Lliaqeu! If the enemy looses an arrow into your foot you have better grip, press onwards. If they free an arm from your body you are faster— lighter, and able to dodge the next blow. Our spirits are greater than the pain inflicted upon our physical forms. You will come out the other end of the tunnel that is hardship a stronger, better being.
— Tichan Zilopnou, encouraging his army before battle
  It seemed almost as if this legendary leader was proof from the heavens that the Lliaqeu were a chosen people, and when he finally fell in battle, the people of Lliaq mourned for a week. This, however, only strengthened their resolve to carry out his grand plans to unite the city-states along the Cipou River.  

Beliefs & Teachings

Zilopnou's philosophy could be aptly summarized as extreme stoicism. His teachings rest on four core ideals;  

Stay still

Stay still, simply put, means that one should hold their tongue rather than complain. Grit your teeth, grin and bear your burdens no matter what they may be. Injury, sickness, loss of a loved one— stay still. Endure. You shall become stronger as a result, focus on what you gain from the event rather than complaining.

Strength in numbers

An ancient truth, Zilopnou expands upon this by encouraging pleasantries with neighbors, and pride for one's nation. If an entire nation fights with pride for their homeland, they not only draw upon the strength that resides within— but the strength that the nation shares as a whole. One cannot be whole without being part of a community, and what greater community is there than that of a nation?

Inquire within

Meditate. Question your motives and beliefs. If you find yourself trembling with anger, ask yourself, why? What bothers you? Should it? Do you gain anything from this anger? Do you fear death? It is simply natural, we are of the earth and it is there we must return— you will not become fulfilled by dwelling on the idea. Accept it.

Strength above all

Zilopnou teaches that, if one lacks strength they must seek it out— better themselves in both body and mind. The cripple, should he find no use in society, shall be left to fend for himself until he does. The old, the weak, the young— all must find strength within themselves. What can one gain from aiding those who cannot care for themselves? Nothing. You must leave them to their fates.
  These ideals became core to Lliaqeu culture, and enabled them to realize Zilopnou's goal— becoming a nation to be feared, and a powerful ally in battle.
Tee-k-ahn Zih-loo-p-noo
3407 3463
Circumstances of Death
Felled in battle against Ponouli— some say it was his own spear that turned on him in the end, rather than the enemy.
Topaz orange, hardened.
Close-shaved, black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Myths

The spear of Zilopnou

Zilopnou carried, always, by his side an ornate spear. It was of unknown make— most assumed he had crafted it himself, as the man had possessed many skills. A pale-black wooden pole with orange striations made up the main build of the weapon, on the bottom end a golden sphere was attached— witnesses claim that the sphere emanated a faint glow.
  The tip was connected with more golden material, which ran down the shaft about six-inches with a number of holes through either end, and strange geometric patterns graced the rest of its surface. The tip itself was of a dull green color, it looked almost cracked the the observer— but it never so much as chipped in battle.
  It possessed a number of wicked dips along its edges— producing numerous points and giving it a serrated form. From the holes in the connecting metal, three red strips of cloth hung freely.
  After Zilopnou had perished in battle, his spear was never found. Some assume the Ponouli to have stolen it, or perhaps a dishonest Lliaqeu soldier. Either way— this relic has been highly sought after ever since the man's death.

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