Qestrus Birth of Ulthis Pyle
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Birth of Ulthis Pyle

Life, Birth


"And on the sixteenth day of the month of Sypheros, the radiant, distant star of Vhaodrra cast its luminous gaze upon the nascent realm of Eafira, heralding the foreboding portent cast upon Qestrus. Yet, in a secluded cabin raised upon untrodden soil, Enir, concealed as Hradrin, a companion to all, journeyed to the abode of Pyle, to bestow his divine blessings upon the newborn Ulthis." -Aegersol Codex, Book 1

On the sixteenth of Sypheros, Ulthis Pyle, the first known Mageborn, was born to Thoraldr and Tola Pyle. Most of those around the Pyle family believed his birth to be a bad omen as the star of one of the mongrel gods shone brightest on that night. However, the parents viewed his birth as a blessing as it brought them the visitor Hradrin to their door, to bless the child. Though unknown to them, it was Enir in disguise, who was told of the child's birth by Yra, the Wise and daughter of Velxus. As a gift, he gave them the blessings of the Pantheon of the Sun, the Moon, and even some of the Twilight, shielding him from the evils of the world.

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