Adventure Items in Proxima Alatheia | World Anvil

Adventure Items

Adventurers traveling the stars will need many different tools and equipment for their travels. Some items are general equipment you can find almost anywhere while others are more specialized technology, powerful computers. and tool kits.   Below, the general adventure gear and tools are listed and explained. Computers are more complex and have their own sub-page.    

Basic Gear

NamePriceCapacity / ChargesUsage
Cable Lines
Cable line, titanium alloy10EC / 10ft--
Cable line, adamantine alloy500EC / 10ft--
Comm Units
System Wide4,000EC--
Sub-Sapce Transmitter40,000EC--
Portable Lights
Signal JammerVaries121/10 minutes
Detonator150EC51/per use
Holoskin1000EC201/10 minutes

Comm Unit

A personal comm unit is pocket-sized device that combines a minor portable computer (treat as a tier-0 computer with no upgrades or modules) and a cellular communication device, allowing wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range.   A personal comm unit also includes a calculator, a flashlight (increases the light level one step in a 15-foot cone), and several entertainment options (including games and access to any local infospheres). You can upgrade a personal comm unit to function as some other devices (such as full computers and scanners) by spending credits equal to 110% of the additional device’s price.   Comm units that function at system-wide and on sub-space aren’t as portable; they include built-in generators that provide the necessary amount of power. Short-term use of these units can be purchased in most major settlements.  

Portable Light (Beacon, Flashlight, Lantern, Spotlight)

A portable light, sometimes called an electric torch, is one of several different devices that use batteries to create light sources. A portable light increases the light level by one step in an area determined by its model, as follows: flashlight (20- foot cone), lantern (10-foot radius), beacon (50-foot radius), and spotlight (100-foot cone).  


This conical device primes and detonates explosives (including grenades) with a push of a button. Programming a detonator to a specific package of explosives takes 1 minute, after which the detonator can be triggered in one of several ways. The detonator can be set to ignite its payload with the simple press of a button (no action), a time delay (no action), a four-digit command code (a bonus action), or a complex input method, such as scanning your retina or thumbprint (a full action). You choose the triggering method when setting the detonator. A detonator detonates its payload only if it is within 500 feet, but some detonators can make use of signal-boosting technologies at the risk of becoming vulnerable to countermeasures like signal jammers and other effects. Explosives have the same price, effect, and weight as grenades.  


This holographic projector is generally mounted to a belt or arm strap. To program it takes a Performance and Computers Check by the same person. The Holoskin grants the programmer a +2 to one of these checks. This disguise can be used for multiple uses and is only made again when changing the disguise.  


Engineer's Kit75EC
Med Kit80EC
Programmer's Kit100EC
Slicer's Kit150EC
Stellar Cartograpoher's Kit50EC
Gaming Sets
3D Chess40ECEC
Parrises Squares (gear)20EC
Land Vehicles
Sea Vehicles

Engineer's Kit

Profficiency with this tool set allows you to add your profficiency bonus to checks made to build or repair basic computers or engineering equipment. It also does the same for basic technology item crafting.  

Med Kit

Profficiency with this tool set allows you to add your profficiency bonus to Medicine checks to identify sources of injury, disease, and sickness.  

Programmer's Kit

Profficiency with this tool set allows you to add your profficiency bonus to checks made to program, communicate with, and repair droids and computer programs. The time to perform these checks is also halved when using these tools.  

Slicer's Kit

This kit contains data spikes and other items necessary for hacking into computers and encrypting information. Profficiency with this kit allows you to add a +4 bonus to a check to encrypt or decrypt data as well as hack into a computer.  

Stellar Cartograpoher's Kit

Profficiency in this tool allows you to add your profficiency bonus to a Nature check or Astronomy check to map out where you are in the galaxy. Additionally, you can add the bonus to any check made to determine the distance to a location.

Articles under Adventure Items


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