The Withereng Myth in Prominence | World Anvil

The Withereng

Search through the litany of children's stories designed to keep them in their beds at night and no doubt one will find the story of the withereng. The withereng is a foul beast created when the soul of a person vacates their body while interacting with bide stones. The husk, or the body of the now dead individual, lives on as a withereng, a creature capable of decimating herds, demolishing entire villages, and killing any that wander into the animal's den. There are few that have ever survived a withereng attack. For those that have, a multitude of descriptions about the beast describe it as having an inner and outer mouth, six large black eyes, powerful limbs, and a long barbed tail.


The myth of the withereng was of Silveisean origin. It passed into general folklore during the invasion of the Silveisean empire. According to old legend within the document known as the Abidement, the existence of witherengs served as a warning to all bide stone users.

Historical Basis

There is strong evidence that myth and legend may be fact. There have been recorded incidents of herds being slaughtered near locations where heavy bide stone usage has occurred. The sighting of these creatures is rare though.

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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