Runescribing Technology / Science in Project Kaos (Placeholder) | World Anvil


A technique developed in Runeheim for the easy trading of magic for the common folk, Runescribing allowed mages to embed simple spells into specially treated stone, tools or paper that maintained a permanence to the magic. The ease of use was so great that almost every household was enhanced with items inscribed with runes, especially nearer the capital, which was the only place which developed these items for fear of the secret being stolen by neighbouring countries. This ability was lost along with the rest of the empire when it fell, and reclaiming items such as these and the art of making them is the primary goal of the Everice Wanderers.


Enchanted picks struck truer and could be equipped with the ability to sense the vicinity of precious ore deposits, enchanted silo protection stones fended off rodents and rot and other diseases, expensive metallic sheets bonded together allowed instantaneous communication between people any distance apart, animated brooms kept houses free from dust... In a modern human's eye it was paradise.

Social Impact

While the empire's expansionist tendencies were inexcusable, the positive effect runescribing had on its citizens was undeniable. With tools making farming, mining, and other menial jobs easier, the common person's quality of life skyrocketed. Less workers were needed, freeing children of such families to pursue studies from subjects of their own desires. Many people migrated to Isi or a nearby town to benefit from this, providing a constant influx of new workers... And new mouths to feed. It was perhaps a double edged sword, and though the greed of Empress Frida's children is blamed for the fall of the empire, the last days were not easy even without the civil war.
Access & Availability
While access to citizens was unrestricted and rather cheap, those not of Runeheim were forbidden from using any runescribed object, and no manufacturing of it outside of the capital was tolerated.


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