Bloom Settlement in Project Kaos (Placeholder) | World Anvil


Situated in the Valley of Flowers, Bloom is so-called for it's wondrous blossoming in the Spring. A major undertaking of cooperation between the Koruli humans and the sylvan dwellers of the forest, the city is integrated into the natural landscape of the valley as unintrusively as possible to ensure a sustainable lifestyle.


The city is led by a circle of druids, with each individual maintaining a specific district in line with their natural aptitudes. The Greenseer for the forest, the Stoneshaper for the hills and Waterspeaker for the river. The Warden of Spring leads over them when necessary, though they usually slumber at the Great Hearth, and is only awakened when necessary.


A world leader in tourism, the Spring months are hectic for the city of Bloom. All manner of peoples flock to the Valley of Flowers to see the renowned city in all it's splendour and take part in the season's festivities. Children dash to the druidic groves to pet the cute young animals, lovers wed at the waterfall bridge, elders watch the marching bands, and all frolic at the Midspring Dance.


Most buildings are made out of worked local oak, cherry or walnut wood and limestone, though the Dwellers are known to share their magicks to grow Hearthtrees for those citizens they grow close to. Some have preferred to make their homes in the hills around the city rather than build above ground. In all cases, buildings in Bloom are constructed to compliment the natural environment around them, and as such there is no true pattern in streets and blocks as in normal towns and cities. Each hill-home is rife with wild flowers, a stone or wooden building is at home amongst the trees and streams coursing through the valley, and the Hearthtrees are lit by bioluminescent plants and untouched by human tools.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Flowers


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