Scions of the Wyrm Organization in Primordia | World Anvil
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Scions of the Wyrm

Aggressively at odds with both the Elemental Cults and The Dragon Cults. This order is complex and often has to deal with the Dragon cults attempting to usurp their followers.   The Scions of the Wyrm were founded in the distant past by a powerful dragon-blooded mage who sought to honor the legacy of their great ancestor, the Great Dragon. Through their research, they uncovered the draconic aspects of nature, and began to revere them as holy. As their knowledge and power grew, they began to oppose the Elemental Cults and the Dragon Cults, who sought to destroy the dragons and the world. The Scions of the Wyrm are a militant order, who strive to protect the Draconic Aspects of nature, and to oppose those who would seek to usurp them. They are a tight-knit organization, with a strict hierarchy, and a strict code of conduct. Their members are dedicated to the cause, and are willing to risk their lives in pursuit of it.   The Scions of the Wyrm also strive to spread their knowledge to others, with the hope that more will join their cause. They travel the world, looking for those of draconic heritage or those who are sympathetic to their cause. They also conduct research, looking for lost artifacts and uncovering secrets of the Great Dragon.   The Scions of the Wyrm are a powerful force to be reckoned with,   Core Beliefs: 1. The Great Dragon was a benevolent being and the Draconic Aspects of nature should be revered and protected. 2. The Elemental Cults and The Dragon Cults should be opposed and their machinations stopped. 3. Through study and meditation, the secrets of the Great Dragon can be unearthed. 4. Only through unity and vigilance can the Wyrm’s legacy be preserved.   Goals: 1. Restore the Great Dragon’s legacy through education and study. 2. Unite the dragon-blooded and those of draconic heritage to form a unified front against those who would destroy them. 3. Spread the message of the Wyrm so that others may take up its cause. 4. Bring justice to those who have wronged the Wyrm and its followers.   Quests: 1. Uncover the secrets of a lost draconic library and retrieve artifacts of draconic heritage. 2. Bring justice to a village ruined by the machinations of a dragon cult. 3. Defeat a powerful dragon cultist who seeks to control a powerful artifact.


  1. Scale Initiate
  2. Dragon Knight
  3. Vice Dragon
  4. High Dragon
  5. Grand Dragon

Public Agenda

The Great Dragon was a more benevolent being than a tyrant. The Sundering was a gift to the world each person must choose the Dragon that most represents their core beliefs.
Political, Faction / Party

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