Prime universe cos-ua The Change

The Change

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


In May of 1996 the supervillain known as the Red Skull created a device he believed would collect the mystic energy from around the globe and use it to bring the world under his control. A massive contingent of superheroes managed to stop him, however the device exploded sending bolts of mystic energy shooting around the world transforming reality wherever they landed.

In May of 1996 the supervillain known as the Red Skull created a device he believed would collect the mystic energy from around the globe and use it to bring the world under his control. A massive contingent of superheroes managed to stop him, however the device exploded sending bolts of mystic energy shooting around the world transforming reality wherever they landed. In some locations technology would not work, while in others technology merged with mysticism to create undreamed of advances. Still in other areas only steam powered technology functioned. People that were struck by bolts from the Changed were either physically or mentally transformed into metahumans with wide ranging powers. Existing metahumans struck by these bolts also experienced changes in their abilities or their appearance.   With the development of Mystech, some technology could be used in the No and Lo Tech zones but not on a large scale so much of daily life in these areas had reverted to that of decades or even centuries past. Creatures that were once the fodder of folklore became common sights and other phenomena were also regularly encountered. Other strange events occurred, such as the appearance of the country of Al-Qadim, a small country between Iraq and Saudi Arabia that appeared in a flash. It has become an object of fascination to the world. It appears to have been picked out of the “Arabian Knights” and dropped wholly into our world. The appearance of this country caused no small amount of consternation to the rulers of both Saudi Arabia and Iran, but little could be done since it is a NoTech Zone. The inhabitants of this mystic country have taken their displacement in stride and even welcome a limited number of visitors to their golden kingdom.   In very recent years, the division of UNTIL that monitors all mystic activity has discovered that the mystic fields are starting to “even out” and they believe that eventually the levels of mystic energies that were disrupted by the Change will return to their pre-Change levels.

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