La Bruja Character in Prime Universe COS-UA | World Anvil

La Bruja

Marisel Ramos (a.k.a. La Bruja)

Marisel Ramos, a.k.a. La Bruja, was taken from her family by a coven of witches when she was only three years old. The seer of the coven foretold that she would become a very powerful witch, so they abducted her to be raised as a witch. This was a common practice for the coven, but Marisel was seen as someone different due to her potential. However, as she grew up, her powers grew faster than the coven had anticipated. The seer caster her gaze once again to the future where she saw two possible sets of events. One where Marisel would save the world, and the other where she would destroy it. The vision was so horrifying that the seer died of a heart attack before she could give any details. The coven chose not to take any chances and attempted to kill Marisel. She barely managed to escape and fled to Bogota. There, she eked out a living on the streets but was quickly found by a drug lord who saw her as an asset for his operation. When a CIA and Colombian Army joint operation shut down the drug lord's operation, and the drug lord, Marisel was captured and jailed. The CIA offered her a deal; work for them and a group of other criminals to overthrow the rulers of a new country on the border of Brazil, or get locked up for the rest of her life in Stronghold. She took the deal, but things did not work out as the CIA had planned. Marisel found she liked the new country and its ruler and stayed there to work with them on creating a new type of country that actually looked out for its people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Marisel is in excellent physical condition.

Special abilities

La Bruja is a powerful witch, able to call upon great power through the casting of spells.

Mental characteristics


Marisel is bisexual, leaning towards a preference for women.


Marisel was not educated in the common sense, but has a vast knowledge of witchcraft. She has difficulty understanding modern technology.

Date of Birth
February 2, 1987
Year of Birth
1987 36 Years old
Barranquilla, Colombia
Dark brown, wide set, sultry
Long, wavy, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 lbs.
Known Languages
Marisel speaks:
  • Spanish (native)
  • English
  • French
  • Arabic


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