Ithul Species in Prime Universe COS-UA | World Anvil

Ithul (i-THUL)

Every race across all creation has, or had, a "myth" of terrible, nightmarish creatures from the darkest of all voids. Tall, large skulled, vaguely humanoid creatures with slippery skin and tentacles around their voracious mouth appear in the race memory or art relics or every known intelligent race. Depending on the race, the stories can vary from being creatures that devour the flesh of their victims to monsters that live by feeding off the intellect or even the souls of other races.   The most frightening aspect of all these supposed myths is the actual truth is far more terrifying.   Besides their psionic abilities listed under "Perception & Sensory/Extrasensory Capabilities", the Ithul also have a formidable range of psionic offensive and defensive capabilities:
  • Psionic Attack: By attacking the mind of their target, the Ithul can cause intense agony and even death to a subject.
  • Mental Control: Ithul can exert their will over a subject and, depending on the target's willpower, make them do anything commanded of them.
  • Psionic Shield: The Ithul's mind is well shielded against psionic attack except my the most powerful of mentalists.

Basic Information


Physically, Ithul are humanoid with two arms and two legs. Their feet only have 3 toes and their hands only have 3 fingers and a thumb. Their craniums are larger than a humans and are very cephalopod-like. Several tentacles, usually four to six, surround their beak-like mouth. They have no body hair. Their eyes have no pupil or iris and are one color, ranging from light yellow to a blood red. Their mouths make them incapable of speech, although they are able to make shrieking sounds under certain circumstances.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Over millennia, the Ithul evolved to gain sustenance from the brains of sentient beings. Their tentacles and beaks make that a very simple task.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The intelligence of the Ithul is rarely exceeded within the known universe.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Ithul's vision goes beyond the visible spectrum of light allowing them to see in the dark as well as a human can see during the day. Their hearing range is similar to a humans although it is not certain how they hear without any ears. Their prime method of sensing the world around them is their powerful psionic abilities. They can communicate with each other and with most sapient species through telepathy and they can sense objects around them with a limited form of telekinesis.

Civilization and Culture


After the creation of the universe, the first species to attain sentience became known as the Ithul. Their development from the most basest of organic proteins to full sentience and beyond was aided by the Elder Gods who had been locked away in the Nethervoid when the previous universe collapsed. They gave the Ithul what little power they could through the use of what little Eldritch magic survived the death of one universe and the birth of another. The Elder Gods commanded the Ithul to work towards freeing them from the Nethervoid so they could rule all of creation as was their right. The gods gave them abilities that would give the Ithul dominion over all other sentient species that would arise and to use them to complete their task. They formed the Ithul so they would gain sustenance from feeding on the intelligence and even brain matter of any sapient creature in the universe.   Entire races, civilizations and worlds perished by the hand of the Ithul and their quest to free their eldritch masters and it seemed that they might succeed at their dark task until the rising of the first Lords of Order. These powerful magic users bound themselves together to protect the universe from such chaotic beings as the Ithul and to prevent the release of the Elder Gods. To this end, the Lords of Order captured every Ithul they could find and imprisoned them into three separate mystic spheres and hurled them into the farthest reaches of space, there to wander aimlessly amongst newly forming stars.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

To the Ithul, all other species exist only to serve the Ithul; either as tools or as food.

Scientific Name
Conservation Status
At one time it was thought that all the Ithul had been trapped by the nascent Lords of Order and sent to the furthest end of creation. However, that may not be the case.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Ithul skin coloration tends to be from dark purple to blue although some individuals can have greenish skin. They have no skin blemishes other than scars or identifying tattoos.


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