Archer One Shot: Shots Fired Report in Prime Universe COS-UA | World Anvil

Archer One Shot: Shots Fired

General Summary

Shots Fired

  Thomas calls Hope while she is studying at the library and offers to take her to dinner at an Italian restaurant that was "recommended" by a teammate. Hope, realizing that she's been hitting the books all day decides she could use a study break and it will give her and Thomas some time to talk more privately. She finishes up at the library and heads for the subway.   Arriving at the station near the restaurant, she hears a disturbance and gunshots. She looks and spots a man in a trench coat and hat wearing combat armor sliding down the side of the escalator, taking the time to fire shots at the police officers who are pursuing him. Stepping behind a column and changing, Hope emerges in her uniform and fires a glue arrow at the fleeing subject. The villain, Calico Jack, amazingly dodges the arrow, but when he sees Hope he is quite charmed and even suggests they not fight but go catch a drink. Hope responds that she's involved and Jack attempts to escape down the subway tunnet after firing at a hanging light fixture and bringing it crashing down in order to distract the star-spangled archer. Hope summons another arrow that hits Jack and stuns him, causing him to fall onto the train tracks. Hope rescues the unconscious thief before the train can run him over. She turns him over to the police and goes on to the restaurant.   Thomas and Hope discuss where they are in their relationship and they decide that they can, and should, pick up where they left off years ago. Hope expresses interest in seeing Thomas' apartment, so they decide to have dessert at the restaurant instead of wasting time stopping somewhere along the way. Upon reaching Thomas' apartment, they waste little time and pick up where they left off.   They decide to eat in for breakfast in the morning.

Missions/Quests Completed

Calico Jack captured

Character(s) interacted with

  • Calico Jack
  • Thomas Adale

Calico Jack

Report Date
05 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters


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