Aberration Points in Primal Dawn | World Anvil
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Aberration Points

Aberration Points are a measure of how genetically warped your body becomes due to conditions such as excess mutation, or Stress Induction. You may also have Aberration Points if you were an unlucky embryo.
In simple terms, if you gain aberration Points, it means you get Aberrations. To see the different ways in which you can get or lose aberration points, see Gaining and losing Aberration Points
Each Aberration has a "value" in terms of aberration points. Your character needs to have all its aberration points "spent" at all times, and the GM is responsible to do it for you. The GM assigns each character Aberrations worth its current aberration points in total, and he can do it either randomly, or by selecting specific mutations that make sense according to your character story, other mutations, and circumstances in which the points were gained.
As soon as your Aberration Points change, modifications need to be done immediately.
Gaining aberration points is a disturbing and painful process, see Gaining and losing Aberration Points for more details.

If your character had 1 aberration point, it means you have an Aberration worth 1 aberration point, since they always need to be fully allocated. If during gameplay you get 2 new aberration points, the GM might freely or randomly decide between:
  • Giving you 2 aberrations worth 1 aberration point each, leaving the previously spent point untouched.
  • Give you 1 aberration worth 2 aberration points, leaving the previously spent point untouched.
  • Remove your previous aberration, and give you an aberration worth 3 aberration points.

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