Reincarnation Physical / Metaphysical Law in Primal | World Anvil


The soul, being the sole entity in the universe that possesses true immortality, undergoes a captivating and intricate cycle of reincarnation, encompassing a multitude of stages in its transformative journey. This enchanting process entails the soul assuming a fresh and distinct form with every iteration, each stage leaving its indelible mark on the soul's essence.

The odyssey of the soul commences with its embodiment within a plant, wherein it embodies the very essence of growth and vitality. As the soul progresses along its path, it evolves into an animal form, amalgamating the principles of growth and instinct, thereby attaining a heightened level of awareness. Upon reaching the mortal form, the soul assimilates the attributes acquired in the preceding stages, thereby acquiring a newfound element known as consciousness, which serves as a catalyst for its continued evolution.

Ascending further up the celestial ladder, the soul transcends into the demi-god form, uniting the virtues of its prior manifestations with an additional facet known as potency, endowing it with unparalleled strength. As the journey persists, the soul ascends even higher, reaching the zenith of its existence in the form of godhood, where it merges the accumulated attributes of its previous stages and embraces a fifth element referred to as divinity, symbolizing its divine nature and immense power.

Finally, as the voyage approaches its culmination, the soul transitions into the ephemeral form, marking the completion of its cycles and signifying its readiness to reunite harmoniously with the vast expanse of the universe. Thus, even in its transient state, the soul undergoes profound shaping and transformation through the myriad challenges and experiences encountered throughout its existence, culminating in the emergence of an extraordinary entity capable of exerting a profound influence and reshaping the very fabric of the universe itself.

Metaphysical, Divine


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