Zasina Character in Prima | World Anvil
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In life, Zasina was an archbishop in the service of Mazu. She was the head of the church, and therefore held considerable authoring in Neprius, before The Shattering. She was highly regarded by the people, but also resolute and firm. She fiercely demanded everything be done in strict accordance with law, and did not hesitate to chastise or punish the slightest digression from the "proper" way of doing things. She wore long flowing blue robes and kept her hair in a long braided ponytail.   In death, however, she was not reincarnated as is traditional for followers of the Triton gods. Instead, she resode in The Beastlands, in a small fishing village known as Azunis.  She is nearly unrecognizable from her former self, having gone through a complete personality shift. Her ponytail was replaced with messy and untamed curls, and she usually wore scant tribal clothing. She could often be heard singing songs in the mornings and hunting in the evenings.   After she believed Mazu had died in The Shattering, Zasina had worked in service to BalinorThe Celestial/Murderers eventually told her the truth, but she still did not revert to her old religion until after The Unicorn's Plea made it clear that her old god was still the woman she had originally dedicated herself to.  She founded and operated a small temple dedicated to Mazu in Azunis for some years, before eventually being revived to serve a higher calling.   When Zerrof rose to power and started searching out those he trusted to serve in high positions of his church, he went looking for Zasina, who was her old mentor. It took a little work for her to get past her ego, but ultimately she was happy to serve. She has since toned down her most chaotic habits from The Beastlands, but still remains one of the most eccentric members of his church.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zasina was raised for priesthood from an early age, having been born in Neprius to two fervent followers of Mazu. Her knowledge swiftly got the attention of her professors, while her no-nonsense personality gained the attention of the general populace. She eventually rose to the position of Archbishop, and played a large part in ruling Neprius.   Unfortunately, all of that changed when the water elementals attacked Neprius. The attack was swift and harsh, seemingly coming from within the city itself. Zasina did not know this at the time, but that conflict would eventually expand to other planes and become The Shattering. The first god to die was Persana, slain without warning when his own guard turned against him. Zasina personally saw to it that the other gods who were on the plane at the time, Blipdoolpoolp and Mazu, were brought to the center of Neprius and defended at all costs.   At first the battle went well. The Tritons were successfully repelling hordes of invading Primordials until a dark shadow fell over the entire city. It was a Kraken, and the city was no match for its power. The attack was swift and decisive; not even four hours had passed between the first sighting of the beast and the death of another god, Blipdoolpoolp. The survivors fled the city, and Mazu disappeared during the chaos.   When Tritons regrouped on the outskirts of the ruined city a few weeks later, Zasina was was among them. She still had not been able to contact Mazu, and her powers had gradually faded and then disappeared entirely. There was complete disorder, and Zasina found herself unable to calm the noise without the guidance of Mazu to assist her. Many present accused Mazu of betraying the city, which Zasina found it harder and harder to disagree with. Ultimately, she convinced the assembled tritons to disband, abandoning the city itself to form smaller villages throughout the Elemental Plane of Water until such time that the war wounds had faded they could peacefully coexist once again.   Zasina did not live to see the city rebuilt. She was assassinated less than a week after Neprius was formally abandoned. The Raven Queen sent her soul to be with Deep Sashelas, who was the only surviving Triton god whose whereabouts were still known. Sashelas had avoided the destruction because he was "on vacation" in The Beastlands at the time, and so this is where Zasina and many other Tritons found themselves in the afterlife.   Unfortunately, Zasina did not find peace even in death. Less than a month after her arrival in The Beastlands, Deep Sashelas left to take charge of the few Tritons who were left in Elemental Plane of Water. That in itself would not have been so bad, except that mere days after that The Beastlands found themselves under attack as well, this time by primordials from the Elemental Plane of Fire. This was when The Shattering truly began to spread throughout the planes, and there were scant few survivors. Zasina herself did survive, but she became a different person in the process. She became a follower of Balinor, who rules The Beastlands, and gradually became more and more chaotic as she adjusted her own personality to fit in with her surroundings.



Husband (Vital)

Towards Zasina




Wife (Vital)

Towards Snon



Chaotic Good
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Died shortly after the fall of Neprius
Current Residence
brown, curly, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light blue

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