Sahala Character in Prima | World Anvil
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Sahala (Suh-hah-luh)

Sahala is a tall tiefling living in Ukapia. She wears a long plaid pants and overalls, and keeps her hair in a bun nestled between her horns. Her hat is custom-fit so that her horns can comfortably loop through the brim. She is kind and professional during her day job at the local branch of the Fresh Start Soul Traders, only to become loud and boisterous once she is at The Empty Dragon.   She is one of Feth's Lot, and cares deeply for the others, whom she considers siblings. She is particularly close with Temerity, and has been caught casting message to communicate with her covertly. She has a magical book which seems to have some power to observe the souls of others, and keeps concealed weapons in her wine bottles.   Alowiscious Bramblethorn was asked to investigate her "true loyalties" by a raven. Supposedly, they are not to the Fresh Start Soul Traders, their patron Penguin, nor to Asmodeus.   According to Upir Clathicul, she left her home and became an orphan by choice.  Supposedly, she was the one that Ulmec Soriel and Hinfyire Soriel were originally intending to adopt, but she got them to take Temerity instead.
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Date of Birth
February 18, 745
Year of Birth
745 AR 19 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
If you're lying about any of this, I will personally tear your soul from your body and toss it into the River Styx, understand?
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