Upir Clathicul Character in Prima | World Anvil
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Upir Clathicul

Upir Clathicul, Conduit of Defiance, is a vampiric red-scaled dragonborn from Ukapia. Upir is one of many orphans who lived in the care of Fethtetuuk Clathicul at the time of her demise. They now call themselves Feth's Lot, and they are the only people on the Prime Material Plane whom Upir now holds any real affection for. Almost anyone outside of this circle is met with ambivalence or disdain.   His biological father is Asmodeus, and as such Upir is constantly pursued and harassed by many people, especially members of the Church of Ascension, Ouroboros, and traditional churches.        Despite being a barbarian, Upir has taken it upon himself to acquire extensive religious knowledge regarding the entire Divine Council, most of which he learned at Yawning Canyon University.  This training enables him to see souls and Sparks at a glance.
Date of Birth
July 10, 744
Year of Birth
744 AR 20 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
No, I will not give you directions. No, I am not a nice man. No, I am not mortal. No, I will not bite you unless you ask very nicely. No, that was not a proposition. No, I did not steal something from you. No, I will not tell you about my family. No, I am not interested in your religion. No, I will not repeat that list. Have I covered your thing yet?
Aligned Organization

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