Planar Beacons Item in Prima | World Anvil
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Planar Beacons

The Planar Beacons are magical devices crafted in the Age of Creation, a time before time which no soul, living or otherwise, can recall.  They were created by the Avatar of Creation, the physical embodiment of Creation Itself, in order to keep the planes from drifting out of place in the Cosmic Soup within which all of the planes float alongside each other.   The power within these beacons is eldritch and foreign, beyond the comprehension of mortal minds and even most deities.  Tampering with a beacon would be exceedingly difficult, requiring the power of another one of the Forms.  They form a network of sorts which constantly signals each other to find their relative positions and adjust the planes themselves to keep them in roughly the same place compared to each other, even as the overall collection of planes known as The multiverse floats within the Cosmic Soup  Tied to the essence of Creation Itself, these beacons also detect the creation of new pocket dimensions or demiplanes and can latch onto them, reaching in from another plane to pull the new dimension along with the others.  If a dimension becomes too large to be pulled in this way, the beacons invoke Creation Itself to replicate themselves, thus forming a new Planar Beacon within the other plane.  So long as one beacon stands then it can recreate the others in the event they are damaged or destroyed, as proven during The Shattering.   These beacons can be found in e very known plane, but these beacons alone are not the only ones that exist.  Others can be found in places beyond the bounds of the known planes, floating around in the Cosmic Soup and waiting to be discovered.
DM's Note: this article was written in direct response to the use of Natsu's Conduit of guidance, in which the player rolled two natural 20s.  The contents herein describe information which no entity in The multiverse had been able to prove before.
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