Veniset, God of Death in Prijeba | World Anvil

Veniset, God of Death

When first Death touched Us
Veniset's hands were what took us
Beast. Master. King. God.
Cold. Cruel. Kind. Loving.
From Life, Death. 
It is easy for many of the Kin to claim that Veniset is a devil, an evil, or a scourge.  They are, of course, wrong.   Veniset is just a part of Life, and in doing his work, causes life to flourish.   But no Elf blames the Kin for hating him.  I'm not sure the God of Death blames them either.  UnPacted, Humans in particular die quickly.  Perhaps Veniset favors them, in this way.  Humans, after all, are creative and ingenious in ways that often catch we Elves by surprise.   I doubt they catch him by surprise.  I imagine he is more than happy to take such souls home - what conversations they must have as he ferries them to their Fields.   Some amongst the Kin revere Death as well as Life - and to them I give respect.  They have begun to master their Fear and accept the Laws of Elenwen.


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