Berellyn, God of the Tempest in Prijeba | World Anvil

Berellyn, God of the Tempest

When the first strike of lightning touched the Sea Berellyn whispered to those with the breath to feel it. When the first waves crashed on shore Berellyn walked amongst their People.

Unlike the other Gods, Berellyn woke to the touch of many minds and not just that of the Elves.  As such their form is a bit more.. eccentric.  Some say that Berellyn is obviously male, others say it is more mutable than that.   I do not think it matters to the God of the Storm what we consider it to be - only that we acknowledge its existence and power.  Most do.   But none acknowledge Berellyn as much as the Sea Elves and the Coasters.  Nor do any others seem to earn the Tempest God's favor as quickly as those two sorts do.  There is something inimical, something ingrained, in the Sea Elves and their Pacted that seems to appeal to the Storm God.   They're not talking about it either - and it is both intriguing and infuriating to have such a mystery so tantalizingly close and yet so clearly out of reach.   Which, honestly, seems to be exactly how Berellyn likes it.


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