Hazfen 2nd, One Shot, Necromancer Debacle Plot in Potestatem | World Anvil

Hazfen 2nd, One Shot, Necromancer Debacle

Part 1, Issue and Goal
The slime Wizard Geofrry stumbels into the party weeping. So sorry! Slime drips from under his robe and trails behind him. He recently lost a loved one and the urn was stolen. Geoffry offers access to his secwet mawgic showp if they help them. Geoffry leads them to their home and explains the situation. Urn was stolen by the crooked tomb keeper and likely sold as a spell compnent to the Nagpako necromancers and their fouls magics.   Truth: Gravekeeper is covering up the stealing as he has no idea what's happening.   Items for Geoffry to have, Gelatinous cube garbage desposal, slime enzyme shower, permanent lock pick (Slime jar that fits around handels and eats metal), Friendly black ooze, and the piece de resistance A immature Oblex that can mimic a Ascended infantry!  
Part2, The buildup
Graveyard dissapearanes, bodies at night seems to flee from graves. This was only discovered when a casket was reopend under suspicsion of graverobbing and it was confirmed. Checking several other graves found urns empty. The attendants are unresponsive and keep carting limbs about and cleaning things up. A figure in a black robe with a wooden mask on states that some dwarves blew up a tunnel and themselves so their trying to piece things together to send a sembalance of somethig back to them. The brain tries to load bodies into tomb a hidden path.  
Part 3, The final battle and resolution
Necromancer tomb and all the bad guys in it. Inside are various traps.


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