Cornerstone Guild Organization in Posture | World Anvil

Cornerstone Guild

Written by HumNummaHumma

When the guild system was created, it came about due to the building boom. Masons and carpenters wisely organized themselves and bound themselves to a union. They did this to standardize measurements, weights, quality of work, and to avoid devaluing their craft by undercutting one another in competition. The guild requires everyone to share the work, the burden of quality, and of course the profits.   Cornerstone counts themselves as the original guild of Wheel, but others deny it. Cornerstone is allied with Axes Guild and Harvest Guild as the three oldest guilds; this also became a natural necessity over time.  


  • Level 1: Free weapon/shield repairs.
  • Level 2: Armor imbuements which grant the wearer resistance to specific damage types.
  • Level 3: Access to magical weapons and armor (at a reduced price).


  • Pay the 100g fee.


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