Wraith Ethnicity in Poraile | World Anvil
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A Wraith is a sentient being that has been revived through magic, either through Wiccan or Wizard interference. Older wraiths may also have been created by the long extinct mages of old. Their lives are dependent on aether that magicians have forced into their bodies to command them. Nowadays, they live in the Kingdom of Garka, independent of their former masters' influence.


Birth & Baptismal Rites

A Wraith that finds it way home to Garka is given a warm welcome in the Induction Ceremony. Here, they are given a Wraith name and released from their mage master's control.

Major organizations

The Kingdom of Garka, Wraithfarers, Garka Royal Revenants
Alternative Names:
(archaic) Risen
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

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