The AE Data Philosophy Myth in Polarium | World Anvil
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The AE Data Philosophy

The AE Data Philosophy is the categorization of data and 'information' through formatted planes of existence rather than specific composite dimensions of space. It essentially defines the basic building blocks of existing data while attempting to capture any and all essence of the afterlife, despite the practice requiring knowledge to the fact that learning everything is virtually impossible in every possibility. Simply stated, the philosophy breaks down the existence of matter, energy, and information, all of which can be referred to as 'data' be it physical, energy without matter, pure information, thoughts and ideas, and even emotions. The philosophy complexly examines each state of AE data format and its categorization of information in its specific dimension and identification as a means of comparing the different states of existence itself, otherwise known as the different data planes of existence with a one-way ascension protocol.
  The philosophy of the A5E is considered a philosophy rather than a theory, because it does not set out to prove or disprove, to be proven or to be disproven. Instead, the philosophy maintains this status because its most broad and generic definitions approve the possibility and impossibility of most (though not all) variations of religious views, or to be more specific views of "the afterlife." From a whole prospect, the philosophy can be a contained truth or acceptance within common world religions, with the only polar opposite being the belief that there is no afterlife.
  The one-way ascension protocol: This protocol simply describes the absolute law in which the format and classification level of AE data can include itself within the next level of AE data's existence or AE data plane, but cannot include itself of the reverse flow, including raw information. Because of this protocol, people of the A3E will never truly know what kind of data or information exists in the A4E and beyond this plane until the time after their death, unless it were somehow possible to examine A4E data as a A3E being by using a correctly guessed property of the A4E plane to learn about its data in the first place, not via paradox, but by an extrasensory perceptive ability native to the A4E, for example. A1E data can and does exist in A2E data, but A2E data does not exist in A1E data or within the A1E data plane. This protocol continues in all ascension levels. Once transcended, there is no going backwards.

AE Data: (Or A1E Data) ~ This data format and data plane only contains information that is absolutely polarizing or binary in nature. It defines whether something is or isn't, whether something exists or doesn't exist, and is the yes or no cosmic idea of the universe. A1E data only serves as a foundation level tier of information that itself principles the existence of existence. Any additional detail that is beyond this binary format is one or more levels above the A1E data plane.

A2E Data: A2E Data represents digital and physical data that is entirely compositional information or programing which drives the laws of physics and emulates action in the digital and physical world. This means that A2E data contains A1E data as well as additional combinations of information that all flow from the conjunctions of A1E data. A2E data would best fit the analogy of a sophisticated computer program. The program contains A1E data within (binary and polarized information), but also contains the next tier of information that allows its physical form to function and commit to tasks that is 'action'. It defines the properties that is in structured code, adding detail beyond a polarizing level.
  Another example would be a large plant and everything within, from the plant cells and every other physical makeup of the biological organism; all of this is classified as A2E data. A2E data also includes all sensory information made available through the vessel of an organism's body via chemical and neurological signals (though not to be confused with emotional and non-physical sensations)

A3E Data: A3E data contains information that transcends beyond physical composition, most specifically non-simulated genuine emotions and any other similar feelings that are not directly a result of A2E biology. Emotions themselves are part of a chemical process that occurs in the brain, and results in conjunction with our soul and the learning vessel housing it, known as physical bodies. A3E data in this case pertains to the data around all non-physical emotions and feelings, as well as the thought processes that often contain or partially contain these sensations. However, it is still limited beyond the A3E plane (physical world dimension) in which the soul is connected to in the same frame of time. Those who do not believe in souls or the afterlife therefore would only recognize the awareness of A3E data (and below) only.
  Everything in the universe that living physical organisms can observe through their own bodies is A3E data, and at the same time, some of the information is classified as A2E data and A1E data.

A4E Data: A4E is information (in data form) of what pertains to explainable and unexplainable sensations occurring within intelligent personalities that signify true emotion. True emotion simply means data that is non-physical yet existent based on the sensation of thoughts and feelings that cannot be digitized into any basic code because of the complexities - consisting multiple dimensions. That is to say that A4E data neither exists only in this world or in the Astral Plane, but rather within both worlds at the same time; a duel-dimensional force that can be felt and detected without being completely interpreted. The ability to feel or sense unidentifiable information deriving from emotional tendencies is the ability to detect info consisting A4E data. If one were to imagine a situation in which virtualized bots in a video game were somehow rendered into the physical world, and at the same time given genuine personality matrices that compare to other persons on a sensual level, then such avatars would also have to be composed of A3E data and A4E data, assuming such complex sensations did not exist in the virtual world to begin with.
  This of course means that the astral world itself and the experiences souls take after dying and reawakening within this plane are all A4E data. It is also evident that the 'field of psionics' which analyzes all possible extra-sensory abilities such as Clair-sensing, telepathy, psionic biolution, thought dynamics, and astral projection is also all part of a person's ability to detect and partially analyze A4E data, which is only possible in this instance because A4E information is in itself between these two dimensions (astral and physical world).
  A4E data goes beyond true emotion, as it has much to do with how and why it happens to exist within intellectual beings. Why are two people capable of loving each other in a format that goes beyond comprehension, analysis, and physical composure? And in that situation, what would the (compositional/numerical) data look like if we did somehow analyze and virtualize “love”? The complexity of the very sensation is almost infinite, as is the level in which such data can be accessed by us persons in the form of extra-sensory feelings. That same data if represented as such is the prime example of A4E data. To further dissect its properties, also note that A4E data contains within the entire capacity A3E data, A2E data, and A1E data. That means that A4E data contains information that is partially non-physical and ethereal, partially one-sided and inter-dimensional, and in all can only be experienced by intellectual and emotional beings that belong to such a system. A4E data is something allowed to exist, while at the same time is something that is constantly created and generated by us all. The deep down cycle of sensations which flows directly to the living soul (which also consists of A4E+A5E data) can be defined by many things, but overall impossible to grasp in full understanding because of how much more information is involved. Love, anger, despair, happiness, wonder, sorrow; all of which are things that may be simulated into a form of A3E data, but can only with the existence of A4E data be made into a sensation that truly influences people from the reflection of their soul. Such data is everything we are, everything we’ve been, and everything we ever will be reflected only partially onto the vessels used as hosts for the process. That data is A4E.

A5E Data: A5E data is all of the data that is consistent with what exists beyond everything the current vessel can feel or interact with. One must imagine an entire dimension that surpasses even the Astral Plane, a dimension that does not have time or space, nor does it contain any constraints based on physical properties or the law of conservation of energy. It’s a dimension of existence without any physical space, yet is overlapped in connection to all other segments of existence (the master of all dimensions), otherwise known as the beyond, which is unknown, yet sensible due to the connections involved with the familiar world. Others may commonly - indirectly refer to the imagination of a segment of space known as heaven or the afterlife. A5E data is more than a super dimension, and much more than the sensations and projections (as well as the very essence of) any particular soul. This form of data is incomprehensible to any subject limited to experiencing A4E data or lower tiers, though the information itself can exist within the thoughts or sensations of individuals (A5E data can be detected from A4E data), despite the fact that A4E data cannot contain a tier above itself. Examples of A5E data may include the love coming from an angel who has transcended into the super dimension, a love too powerful to form from A4E data while capable of affecting either sections of information.
  The possibilities that lie in the beyond are limitless in imagination and wonder, while the restrictions that currently apply to souls projected into bodies are bypassed. Some speculate that in such a beautiful transformation, you suddenly become the entire world and all of its energy, as the world is yourself. Others believe that when becoming part of the A5E system, every soul has the capacity to manipulate their own data, changing the systematic environment around them by bringing into existence a place in mind which only existed previously as a thought. The creation of physical or non-physical data onto a lower plane from a heart’s true desire becomes possible (by initial perception), as does the ability to sense all other data in the entire universe under any particular plane of existence. The very manipulation of other data however is raveled in mystery and paradox, since by logic it would not be possible to directly change the factors or properties of the physical world we are familiar to everyday. In concept, it should be possible for an A5E transcendent to manipulate the very data and environment in which this current world we observe contains, changing for instance the factor of gravitational pull or the physical composition of persons, or even the very law of physics or conservation of energy. And at the same time, it could be speculated that - should such data change, so would time twist in a method leaving every single soul in the physical plane unaware of the change throughout all of time. Yet warping time and history itself by physical means would lead to the sudden deletion of data (including A5E) data should any particular vessel from a soul be affected. If a person is not born due to a change in history, then they have been erased from existence entirely, due to the nature of an anti-paradox system established by an unknown, unchangeable law of time.
  Perhaps however it is as simple as experiencing everything from every soul past, present, and future without directly altering the worlds below the A5E plane. There is also the theory of closed space, which buffers as a kind of 'reward' system for souls who have not gotten lost, and made it to the A5E plane, as a culminating ability only possessed by A5E people whether involved singularly or by multiple. In enclosed space, a multi-dimensional environment of simulated data is generated from the soul's true desires, of which invited souls may enter, and in which the properties of time are still consistent within the A5E space. It would be as if living any life one wanted to for as long as they wanted to with any detail under their control, the environment simulation, but the sensations and feelings as genuine as each other.

The A5E plane's very own properties are mere speculation within the thoughts and sensations of A3E humans, because it is a world in which science cannot prove nor detect with current available knowledge and equipment. Still, the idea offers to many the promise of what could be. The ideals of God's personal involvement in these worlds is intentionally left out, divine interventions removed from the reality, and the possibility of higher-tier data entities directly changing or interacting with lower-tier data entities made impossible. It is even suggested that the A5E is not the final destination of souls, though simply just another road stop on a never-ending journey of love and transcendence. The AE Data Philosophy aims to suggest that these worlds beyond worlds exist to revive new hope and experience in those who transform through death, and does not attempt to make an unproven claim without evidence as if it were fact. So it is reasonable to expect that many will not believe in or follow in any direction this philosophy.


Not a myth or theory, but a philosophy of rarity. The AE Data Philosophy exists to categorize all that is and all that isn't matter, sensation, and any information whether tangible or intangible, into multi-tiered planes of existence to amend a better understanding of the afterlife.


The knowledge of higher planes of existance are not known or knowable to those of the corresponding lower level planes. People of the physical world are unaware of the A4E and A5E data planes, until they join these higher planes of existance in the transformation of death.   However, many know partly of the existance of the Astral Plane, which is made up mostly of A4E data.

Variations & Mutation

Astral Plane > Spirituality, the seven planes of existance (Theta Healing), and Yogi Phosophy.
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