Bagolyszarvas Species in Points of Radiance | World Anvil
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In the forests of Jégoria roam many strange creatures. Some native, some mutated by the chaotic energies known as the káoszmag. The bagolyszarvas, sometimes shortened to bagszar, belongs to the second category. There is ongoing speculation as to whether the first bagolyszarvas used to be an owl, or a moose or deer, although the mutation likely occurred over more than one generation.   Either way they are vicious beasts, cloaked in a thick, feathery hide, and bearing powerful talons. Their wings are flexible but strong, and can carry them through the sky with ease. It mostly uses its sharp talons to tear at prey or pick them up, but against larger prey it often swoops down and knocks them down with its antlers first, before sinking in the talons.   Much like owls, the bagszar has keen senses that allow it to hunt well in this dark world. Its eyes have that usual reflective tissue layer that allow it to use the minimal light available and it has great binocular vision, although it cannot move its eyes so it has to twist its head around to observe all of its surroundings. Combined with its lightning-fast reflexes, it is a terrifying hunter to behold.

Intelligence and Behavior

For how noble they look at a distance, one may not expect just how aggressive they can truly be. They are extremely territorial and they hunt for a large portion of the day, gliding around just above the canopy, searching the ground for prey. It will attack nearly any living creature it spots that seems like it would make a decent meal.   They do tend to leave others of their species alive however, as they still need to mate. When another of the same gender intrudes on their territory, they tend to mock-fight using their antlers to determine who is strongest and the other has to run away. Aside from mating season though, they tend to stay on their own, preferring to live as solitary, stealthy hunters.


[5th Edition D&D]
The peryton statblock can be used as a stand-in by replacing 'Keen Sight and Smell' with 'Keen Sight and Hearing'. Remove the languages, and add 120 feet darkvision.
Additionally, add a DC 13 Strength saving throw to not be knocked prone to the Dive Attack ability if it hits its Gore attack to represent its hunting tactics.

Optionally, apply the Giant Beast template since bagolyszarvas can mutate to monstrous sizes sometimes.
Geographic Distribution

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