The Hushed Alphabet Language in Phantobra | World Anvil
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The Hushed Alphabet

The Hushed Alphabet was developed by the criminal organization The Black Fist.
When the organisation first arrived in Haistone, Erekiath, they aggressively pursued new members, in an attempt to gain a foothold in Erekiath.
Due to their aggressive recruitment tactics, they attracted the attention of The Guardians, city watch of Haistone. This made it harder to conduct illicit activities within Haistone, and the risk of them intercepting secret messages or sensitive documents increased drastically.
The Black Fist 'persuaded' a local scribe to join their ranks, and develop a secret language that only select members would know.

The 'Rushed' Alphabet

The Erekian alphabet consists of 27 different letters, and The Hushed Alphabet was designed to represent it one-to-one, to make it easy to learn, as time was short.
Initially, the scribe aimed for creating 27 different letters, but since The Black Fist encouraged him to work fast, he decided to create only nine letters, six of with could represent 24 Erekian letters, by rotating them in 90-degree increments. To avoid any confusion about which letters could, or could not be rotated, he designed the last three letters to look the same, regardless of the rotation(in 90-degree increments).
When the scribe was later asked why he didn't just make the nine letters have three rotations each, he argued that having only three rotations would just confuse people.
Some believe it was simply an error on his part, perhaps due to the strict time constraints. This was also why it is referred to as 'The Rushed Alphabet'.

The 'Rushed' Cipher

Being just a written language, with the same syntax as Erekian they also needed a way to encrypt the messages, as it would only be a matter of time before The Guardians would piece it together.
The scribe invented an algorithm where each letter was shifted to the right inside the word, based on the position of the word on the line.
For instance, if a word was the second word on a line, each letter would be moved to the right two times, moving the last letter back to the front, every time.
An egg from a bird - Na gge romf a dbir
First word shifts one to the right, second two, third three, atc.
This way, if The Guardians where to get a hold of a message, they couldn't simply deduce the letters by comparing with Erekian words.
The Black Fist has since developed more sophisticated ciphers and alphabets, but among some of the low ranked members, The Husked Alphabet and cipher are still occasionally being used.

Geographical Distribution

The Hushed Alphabet is mainly used in Erekiath, and countries with the same alphabet, as it was designed as a one-to-one representation of the Erekian alphabet.


There is no phonology for the Hushed Alphabet, as it was strictly designed to be a written language. Since each letter represent a letter in the Erekian alphabet, most refer to them as their Erekian counterpart, although anyone who can read it, aren't suppose to spell it out loud.
Root Languages
The full version of the Hushed Alphabet with all letter rotations.


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