THE SWORD COAST Geographic Location in Phandalin | World Anvil
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Written by dschenaker

The Sword Coast, also nicknamed the Empty Lands, was the region in western Faerûn that lay along the coast of the Sea of Swords and extended inward into to the vale.   While scholars disagreed as to the exact borders of the Sword Coast, it was generally considered to have been bordered by the merchant nation of Amn in the south, and in the north by Waterdeep the Delimbiyr Vale. Some guides considered it to begin south at Candlekeep and continued all the way north until the city of Luskan, though most other cartographers and writers shared the former opinion on the matter, designating the coastal lands north of Waterdeep as the separate Sword Coast North.  

Geographical Features

  The landscape of the coastal lands varied from the verdant fields along much the Coast Way to the dangerous badlands found north of the Chionthar.   The River Chionthar was vital to trade all throughout the Western Heartlands, linking the great port of Baldur's Gate with other inland cities including Elturel, Iriaebor, Berdusk, and the ever-important Caravan City of the West, Scornubel.  

Bodies of Water

    • River Chionthar, the great river that ran across the Heartlands was vital for commerce in the region, serving as a trade route between a half dozen major cities.
    • Lizard Marsh, a seemingly-endless stretch of fetid wetlands infested by lizardfolk tribes, otherwise seldom-encountered dinosaurs, and even the terrifying black dragons.
    • Sea of Swords, the coastal waters of the Trackless Sea that bordered and were named after the Sword Coast.
    • Winding Water, a long waterway that twisted through the stretch of Wilderness between the Troll Hills and the River Chionthar.

    Caves & Caverns

    • Lykortha Expanse, a network of fungi-filled caves that was touched by the influence of the demon lord Zuggtmoy.


    • Cloak Wood, an old and overgrown forest was home to many fearsome monsters, malevolent fey, and portals linking it to other locales across the continent.
    • Trollbark Forest, the dense and overgrown forest that – as it's name suggested – were infested with trolls.

    Hills & Mountains

    • Sword's Teeth, the precarious sheer cliffside that lined the coast for miles upon miles.
    • Troll Hills, a collection of hills south of the similarly forest that remained an extension of shared territory of the troll tribes.
    • Trollclaws, a grouping of hills that held within it many monstrous creatures including the horrific tall mouthers, along with even more trolls.
    • Wild Hills, the stretch of barren land south of Daggerford.

    Flora & Fauna

      Because much of the coastland was still relatively untamed wilderness, it was rich with game: rabbits and fowl including grouse, bustards, and rock doves, could be hunted in abundance.
  • Geography Geographical Features Flora and Fauna


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