Dogwolf Species in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil


This large dog breed has a striking resemblance to the wild ancestor, with lanky legs, oblique eyes and thick coat. Exceptional sense of smell and hearing, compensate a non optimal sight.   The ancestor of these dogs was probably a large shepherd dog that followed the first tribes who reached the southern portions of the eastern planes, that bred there with the local wild wolf. It is thought that most of the wolfdogs living nowadays have at least a quarter wolf blood, due to the free-roaming of the dogs at the borders of the settlements and the frequent visits of wild wolves (in particular during mating season). They are domesticated and follow the tribes providing an effective alarm system and transportation in exchange for scraps of food.The dogs provide a means of transport, in particular for the northern tribes of the White Bear, but also defence and companionship. In most tribes the strongest of the dogs are trained to assist the men in battle.
Scientific Name
Canis lupus
Conservation Status
Rare, mainly restricted to some areas in the Eastern planes
A wolfdog is mature at the age of one year and lives for up to 18 years (though most don't reach the 13th year of age).


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