The Nightman Myth in Pentos | World Anvil
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The Nightman

Dayman (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah) Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah) You're a Master of Karate And Friendship For Everyone!


The nighman comes in the night and steals men, women, children. He does not kidnap for any reason, he takes who he wants. The only man to stop his is The Day Man. The The Day Man and the nightman battle every night.

Historical Basis

There is no evidence of his existence.


The myth is very wide spread, especially west of the lands of House Stone.

Variations & Mutation

The tale varies the same as a spoken folk tale varies from person to person.

Cultural Reception

It does not effect anything.

In Literature

There have been plays and dramatic poems about the nightman and the The Day Man .

In Art

there are songs related to the nightman.
Date of Setting
Every night.


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