Baelor Watcher Character in Pentos | World Anvil
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Baelor Watcher

Lord Baelor Silas Watcher (a.k.a. The loyal)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall thin man, yet strong and his presence is inspiring.

Body Features

A scar over his right eye, due to a duel with his sister, Visenya <>, when he was quite young.

Facial Features

A dark beard, and a scar across his eye to his nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Grey eyes, beard and scar

Apparel & Accessories

Wears mostly black, black cloaks and leathers, with very little design other than occasional dragons embroidered.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Baelor Watcher was born on 31st of July 1443, during a great storm the savaged the coast and all the way inland up too Dragon's Den. He has lived almost all his life in Dragon's Den. His parents also has two other children, Baleors siblings, Gilly Moor and, the recent Queen Visenya Renly. He is close with Gilly, his twin, but not so much with Visenya. She was noted as being much colder and crueller than Baelor, they would oft as not talk to each other.
Baelor was not alive for the great tourney at kings keep, but his father and sister, Visenya, went. It was decided there that Visenya is to be married to the, then prince, King Richard Renly. It was also decided, that the male heir of house watcher would marry the beautiful Grenda of House Moor. So when Baelor turned 14, he was promptly married to Grenda. Over the next 10 years they had 4 children, Aegon<>, Viserys<>, Valgar <> and Danny <>.

Baelor's father died in his bed during the summer of 1461. He was made the Lord of Dragon's Den and Aegon made his heir.


High education due to being noble.


Accomplishments & Achievements

Ruling peacefully over Dragon's Den for over 11 years now. He is looked upon by many for his great loyalty unto the throne, and his wisdom beyond his years.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, The dragon Lord, The dragon binder, The loyal.
Date of Birth
31st of July
Circumstances of Birth
Born on a stormy night, twin of Gilly Moor
Current Residence
Young, yet wise grey eyes
Shoulder length black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, clean
Quotes & Catchphrases
' I will stand by the king, my loyalty to my vows is unwavering' ' The dragons may yet come, sister' (Too Gilly)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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