Riverrun Settlement in Pendent | World Anvil
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A community that began as a trading post near the crossing of the river Doerin's Walk, it grew to a small but vibrant farming, fishing, and trading community. It serves as a stopping place for many a weary traveler, as its bridge is the easiest crossing point between Doman's Last Step and Goldspire.

Industry & Trade

Farming and fishing provide sustenance for the majority of the town, supplemented by bridge toll and trade that invariably comes by. Hospitality is a small but significant aspect of the economy, with several quality inns providing rest for visiting adventurers. Bards frequently visit, knowing there's room and board awaiting them in exchange for an evening of stories and music.


Good farming land, plenty of mills, and a constant source of good fish. Well known for its hospitality, it boasts of a quantity of high quality inns for the many sojourners on their way between Doman's Last Step and Goldspire.


Sweeping, fertile plains bisected by a wide river.

Natural Resources

Lovely wheat fields and clean river water that contains vast schools of fish that travel up and down yearly.
Owning Organization

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