Pearl college History of Magic Timeline

History of Magic

Major events in the history of magic across the Terra plane


1400 1698

  • 1506

    Georg Faustus attempts to popularize demonic magic
    Life, Publicity

    Georg Faustus of Knittlingen, Famous in Rhyme, began openly practicing magic in the German town of Gelnhausen. His magic built on the foundation of a Christian demonic pact as later dramatized by Christopher Marlowe, Goethe, Mann, etc.   Georg wished to spread popular knowledge of his style of magic, believing the more people who knew of it, the greater his power would grow. It was successful, after a fashion, if we consider "becoming a cautionary tale" a significant power.

  • 1620

    Francis Bacon publishes the Novum Organum
    Scientific achievement

    Bacon's Novum Organum introduced his theory of empirical experimentation, which came to be widely known as the scientific method and, more selectively, as the antithesis of magical method.

  • 1698

    5 /1

    English Royal Wizard fails to save the Palace of Whitehall from fires
    Disaster / Destruction

    Traditionally, the burning of the Palace of Whitehall marks the beginning of The Long Nap, as the Royal Wizard to the English throne was impotent in the face of the fire.

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The Long Nap

1698 1818

That long century when Magic gave Europeans and Americans the silent treatment.

  • 1698

    5 /1

    English Royal Wizard fails to save the Palace of Whitehall from fires
    Disaster / Destruction

    Traditionally, the burning of the Palace of Whitehall marks the beginning of The Long Nap, as the Royal Wizard to the English throne was impotent in the face of the fire.

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  • 1818

    21 /8

    Successful European transmutation of lead into gold
    Financial Event

    Stilzer's successful transmutation of straw into gold in 1818 is traditionally taken as the end of The Long Nap. Stilzer was--or sincerely believed himself to be, which was likely a key factor--a descendant of Rumpelstiltskin, Famous in Rhyme. Rather than make his fortune in the magical world, however, Stilzer used his gold as capital to set himself up in trade. Had he been better at it, the sources of his funds might have come into question. As he was a famously incompetent financial manager, however, his use of magic went unnoticed until brought forward by the family in the Modern Era.

Modern Era

1818 2022

  • 1818 ME

    21 /8

    Successful European transmutation of lead into gold
    Financial Event

    Stilzer's successful transmutation of straw into gold in 1818 is traditionally taken as the end of The Long Nap. Stilzer was--or sincerely believed himself to be, which was likely a key factor--a descendant of Rumpelstiltskin, Famous in Rhyme. Rather than make his fortune in the magical world, however, Stilzer used his gold as capital to set himself up in trade. Had he been better at it, the sources of his funds might have come into question. As he was a famously incompetent financial manager, however, his use of magic went unnoticed until brought forward by the family in the Modern Era.

  • 1877 ME

    17 /6

    First publication of the Potpourri Hypothesis
    Discovery, Scientific

    From the paper "On matters magical and structural: The importance of potpourri":

    "...I propose we throw out that method entirely. Instead, we ought come to understand magic as a kind of ineffable potpourri, an unknowable melange of forms, flavors, and forces. By this conceit we can examine and describe individual cloves of significant interest without arousing the anger of Magic by arrogant suppositions of greater understanding."

  • 1882 ME

    22 /8

    College Founding

    Baoying Liang officially opens Pearl College for its first semester, admitting 18 students who were to be taught by 3 faculty members.