Orkham Geographic Location in Pavo Dioscuri | World Anvil


Orkham is an example of how Energized Malachite mining can ruin a planet's ecosystem. Disruption from the malachite removal killed all animal life by filling the air and water with toxic dust. Insects, fish, bears, birds, horses, people... all dead.   Centuries later, the atmosphere has improved, but is still hard to breath without some form of filtration mask. Even a heavy cloth strip will do. The planet is now overgrown with mossy jungle. A green canopy covers all the lands. For at least the past couple centuries, the planet has hosted a small population of nomadic orcs. It is unknown how they came to be here, possibly a crash landing.   Having spend generations without animals to hunt or antagonists to fight, the Orcs have developed a culture based around the hunt for rare mushrooms. They allow off-worlders to join these hunts. They seem eager to share their strange culture.


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