Ivory Dragon

Is it a space ship or a city in the sky? The Ivory Dragon is the largest man-made Spelljammer known to exist. With a population on scale with small city, it blurs the line between a vehicle and a settlement.
  It's original builders were a religious sect that venerated Bahamut, which influenced the ship's form. Over time, such a wonder became hotly contested, and many battles and raids were launched to attempt to take it. It has changed ownership many times, and most who claimed it added their own touches.
  The Dragon currently functions as a sort of hotel, resort, and casino (at least on the surface). It follows a set path through the Zedd quadrant, stopping only at specific civilized worlds.
  However, its less commonly known function is to service as a neutral meeting ground for the quadrant's leadership. Here they can meet in safety to sign treaties, negotiate trade, and diffuse conflicts. Having been tested in a variety of raids, and now filled with dignitaries and gambling profits, it is probably the most effectively defended site in any sky.
  The Ivory Dragon's construction was only possible due to the unique discovery of a single, perfect Energized Malachite stone of immense size. While a Spelljammer's mass limits are set the by the amount of malachite in the helm, it's volume limit is determined by the largest single stone used in its creation. As such, it is a wonder not soon to be recreated.


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