Utgard Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Norse Giant King   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral LORE: Utgard oh wise great king of Giants, tell us your tales.  Tell us of the competitions with Thor and Loki, and your cleverness bested the stronger opponent.  Tell us of the horn and the fire, tell us of the trick taht challenged the might of Loki.  Utgard is a giant of the Norse pantheons, and a clever one at that, known as  Utgarda-Loki or The Loki of Utgard.  He is one of the cleverest deities to ever exist.  With the entrance of the Norse Gods, Aether had requested the help of Utgard in keeping the Norse deities confined to an area, and with his help Yshgard was formed.  The Norse deities bound themselves to this continent and no one, other than Odin, may leave this land.  For his help Utgard was given a shrine within Delphi, and home in the mountains of Parnassus.  There he slumbers, awaiting the next day. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Described as a patient and clever being.  Utgard would rather not engage in fights of physical prowess, prefering to use the weakness of vanity to defeat his enemies.   Ideals: The vanity of your pride is your greatest weakness.     Bonds: His fellow giants and Aether.   Flaws: His tricks made him powerful enemies.   Symbol: Utgard Castle   Worship:
  • Trick and test others


  Gained when Selected:   Ability Scores: Increase Wisdom and Charisma by +2   Gifts of Utgard:
  • Gain a bag of holding 
  • Gain the Alert Feat
Loki of Utgard:
  • You gain the Ability to learn and/or cast any illusion and/or charm spells regardless of casting class.  Upon taking Utgard you gain as many of these types of spells equal to your casting modifier and they do not count as spells.  On each opportunity to add or change spells, you may take another one of these spells.
  • Charms/Illusions are not affected by immunity/True sight against the non-divine
  • Illusions spells of cantrip and 1st level such as minor illusions do not require concentration
King's Disguise: Cast specialized Disguise Self Similar to a Polymorph. This disguise passes inspection and can modify your height and figure. If you are struck in this form you can ignore the damage one time to pass off the disguise.   Trials of Folly: Target is submitted to the Trials of the Giant King and will be deemed 3 checks: CON STR DEX These checks are not against the patron but are meant to gauge the ability of the target. DM discretion to determine success of the checks. Learn modifier for each of the checks
  • CON: Trial of the Horn: 2d6+Con water dmg. Target must attempt to drain the horn of its content. If they failed badly enough may cause Nausea as they have attempted to drain the ocean.
  • STR: Trial of the Feline: 2D6+STR bludgeoning dmg. target attempts to lift Giant's Cat from the ground. If failed badly may end in prone and max damage as they have attempted to lift Jormugandr the World Serpent.
  • DEX: Trial of the Elder: 2d6+DEX Necrotic dmg. Target grapples against and Elderly Giantess. If failed badly target may suffer exhaustion as they have grappled against Old-Age personified.
Passing a check well enough can ignore or half the damage associated
  • If all 3 are failed target is berserked against caster although they make attacks without advantage
  • If all are passed caster is Frightened of target and must attempt to flee or disengage


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