Tykhe Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Titan Goddess of Fortune, chance, Favor, and the Providence of Fate   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   LORE: This Goddess enjoys the gambling of life, and watching people risk it all in chance. Known for running a casino, she spends her time letting people attempt to make a fortune. She does not take sides but helps those willing to bet on it all. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: She has a smooth and relaxed tone about her, until the dice start rolling. Then you notice how addicted to gambling she is.   Ideals: What is a reward without an insignificant risk?   Bonds: Maddilyn, Hestia, and Pan   Flaws: A gambler always has some sort of flaw.   Symbol: Rudder   Worship:
  • Gamble, take chances, and wing it.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Intelligence and Charisma by +2 and expertise on sleight of hand.   Professional Gambler: Feat You gain a deck of cards that have been enchanted to aid you, the card has the symbol of the Goddess on them and provides the following benefits.
  • Passive:  You gain Expertise on Sleight of hand, and proficiency in Insight and Deception.
  • Gain the Luck Feat.
The Deck of Luck: When making a roll you can use your bonus action to pull two cards from the Deck.   You then draw the first card and decide if the next card is higher or lower.  If you are correct, you can then use whatever the value of the second card is to increase damage or attack rolls. (Must decide before rolling the attack)
  • 21: If you pull an ACE and King, Queen, Jack, or 10 as your second card, your party gains advantage on attack rolls for the round.
  • Sleight of Hand: You may use your reaction to swap the current card for another, but you must accept the new card.
  • Aces wild: If you pull an Ace from the deck with Sleight of Hand, the damage is doubled for the Attack roll, and you can make one more attack.
Luck Versus Fate: Feat Should you fail a saving throw, attack roll, or skill check you can pull a card from the deck and increase your roll by half the value of the card shown.  You can use this feature as many times as your charisma modifier.  Certain Cards grant you the following benefits:
  • Ace: You are granted the properties of evasion, even if you fail you take half damage.   This feature does not stack with other abilities that grant the same blessing.
  • King: If you succeed the saving throw the next attack roll you make with Fortuna is with advantage
  • Queen: You gain 2 hit dice in health on a success or failure.
  • Jack: Your AC is increased by +5 for the round on failure or success.
Fortuna: +2 Revolver Legendary  This pearl handled revolver is polished steel. The engraving of luck favors the weak written in celestial goes across the barrel.
  • Damage is 1d10+Dex Piercing
  • Secondary Damage: 1-21 Piercing
  • Range is 5-30ft
  • Ammo requires (6 shots)
Traits of the Gund
  • Russian Roulette:  Bonus action to activate:  Roll a d6 on 1-5 the gun backfires dealing the damage to you, on a 6 the damage is doubled against the target, and you gain 2 extra attacks.
  • Sleight of hand: Bonus action to increase the damage of your attack by the value of the first two cards you draw (On hit).  On twenty-one, the target takes 21 additional damage and your attack roll on hit deals 3 times the amount of damage.


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