Themis Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Titan goddess of Divine Law and Order   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   LORE: Not the keeper of Divine law, but the writer, she is the personification of that law and the natural order.   When Divine law was being written, Themis presided over and approved the changes that each deity suggested that were approved.  Though she would fight for the Titans in a war, the reason for war would have to be within the scope of Divine Law.  Overlooked by mortals, divine law applies to mortals as well, and there were special amendments made for mortals of the realm.  The mortal laws of Themis were decreed as amendments of Divine Law.
  • The First Law:  Mortals are to be ruled over by the Mortal Kings, and those rulers are chosen by the god presiding over the divine kingdom they live in.  
  • The Second Law:  Gods and Mortals are not equal, the vanity of mortals against the gods will not be tolerated.   The Patrons of Themis will judge this vanity.
  • The Third Law:  As a being within the land of the Gods, do your duty to bring glory and honor to your gods as their representatives.  You are not bound to a god that doesn't suit you, doing so is considered a direct attack against that God.
These rules are set to protect the Gods and Mortals from each other, and thus should be taken seriously.   Themis acts within the neutrality of both light and dark, and whether a deity is good, or evil is not being questioned by these laws and do not change the outcome of your jdugment.
Personality Traits: Themis is the world between light and darkness, capable of realizing what each brings to the realm.  She is stern with her belief, but outside of dealing with law is very relaxed and fun.   Ideals: A law should be followed, if the law is unjust then work towards changing the law not breaking the law.   Bonds: Prometheus, Athena, and Styx   Flaws: an unjust law should not be followed and following an unjust law can cause more harm than breaking it.   Symbol: The Mediterranean Sea   Worship:
  • Follow all laws in the area you are in.
  • Bring judgment for those who break the law.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Wisdom and Charisma ability scores by +2 to a max of 22   The Decree: +3 Maul (Divine)  This weapon is made from the essence of Themis to aid her followers, it is made from material that greatly harms mortals.   The exact composition of the materials is hidden, and any attempt to discover is met with no answers.  It has been designed in a way that the hammer and shaft appear like white gold, and with regular gold inlays.  The Inscription written on the hammer says, "You have been found guilty of Wanting".
  • Hammer does 2d6+Strength in bludgeoning damage.
  • Every strike made against a mortal deals an additional 2d6 damage that reduces their permanent health.   (Considered a curse)
  • On natural 20's the target must pass a wisdom save or be disabled for 1 minute.  The abilities of your honor can be used in conjunction with this skill.
Special Attacks:
  • The Reckoning: When you strike a creature affected by silver, they must pass a wisdom save or be cut off from their racial traits.
  • The Exorcism: When you strike a creature affected by Gold, they must pass a wisdom save or be cut off from their racial traits.
Your Honor: Your ability to aid your allies and defeat your enemies is increased, and you may use one charge of each skill once per long rest.
  • Overruled: Should you or a party member fail a save you may use your reaction have them pass it instead.
  • Sustained: Should a creature pass a save that you or an ally caused, you can use your reaction to have them fail it.
  • Order in the Court: You may use your hammer to strike the ground, each creature you choose within 30ft, must pass a dexterity save or be silenced and knocked prone taking 8d8 bludgeoning damage.
  • Contempt of Court: You may use your judicial powers to place someone in contempt of court, this banishes the target on failed charisma save for 24 hours.  The creature is taken to a harmless demi-plane in the shape of a jail cell.   They can't use any magic or abilities to escape and are incapable of doin damage to the plane.


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