The Acropolis Building / Landmark in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Acropolis

The acropolis of Earth was the symbol of Athens, and in the Crossroads it serves as the focal point for all peoples and gods. This magnificent Citadel houses some of the most important buildings of the land. Its massive walls make it hard for normal citizen to ascend the structure anyway but the stairs. They say from the top you can see all of Athens and the City-States that protect the Patron City of the Crossroads. There is truly no place more guarded and sought after in the realm. These are the notable places of interest and temples in the city:  
  • The Parthenon: The monumental temple was built to honor the Goddess Athena, If allowed to enter, the glistening of the gold and ivory stature of the goddess is gorgeous and lights up the dimly lit room. In the hand of Athena is the Goddess Nike, in honor of Styx and her children, and to ensure victory is always with the defender of the realm.
  • The Propylaia: This building is located at the entrance, and houses the center of the build leads up to the acropolis. One west wing of the building there is the temple of Nike. The east wing leads to museum of the art dedicated to the history of the Greece of Earth.
  • The Erechtheion: Designed to balance the importance of gods on the Acropolis, it is most known for the 6 female statues of the Caryatids.
  • The Old Temple:  This temple is in Honor of Poseidon, and it houses many statues from the bronze age monsters of Earth. This where people worship and pay tribute to Poseidon.
  • Chalkotheke: While it is used to house the Treasury of Athens, this building now houses the statues of famed "Royal Family". Arthuria and Jaem are depicted sacrificing themselves for their daughter Mythreal.
  • The Sanctuary of Zeus: An open area dedicated to the father of Athena, this is where people can worship and pay tribute to Zeus.
  • The Shrine of Kronos: This shrine is surrounded by variety of crops that people can eat, the shrine itself symbolizes the golden age. This is where people worship and pay tribute to Zeus.
  • The Halls of Hades: On the Southend of the Parthenon there is a stairwell that leads deep into the acropolis. The further down you guys the more you hear the dead, and those who can make it down the stairs can worship and pay tribute to Hades.

Notable People:

  The High Priestess of Wisdom: Mythreal "Daughter of Wisdom" The Royal Heir. Her beautiful platinum hair is contrast with her wonder blue steel armor. She carries the shield and spear of wisdom, and her pure white dog Acumen is always at her side.   The Arch Priest of Order: Philostratus the Elder, Described as a elder man with a long white beard and eyes the lightning flashes through when he is angered. He is described as well built and carries a walking stick. He is considered wise beyond measure, and the elder priest of the Acropolis.   The Arch Priestess of the Golden Age: Thais "The Harvester" a young titan born of Kronos that was born without knowing her mother. She stands at 6ft and has beautiful dark brown hair with dark blue eyes. The scar along her face is a symbol of her servitude and mark to let others know she is spoken for. She is known to carry a sickle made of stygian gold.   The Arch Priest of the Sea: Rizon "The 2nd" the only merfolk bless with the ability to traverse the ground. He is the twin brother of Triton, he is described as blue scaled with hints of green, and dark mossy beard that extends down his face. His hands and feet are webbed and he carries a magnificent trident at his side.   The Arch Priest of the Last Right: Idas "Son of None" is the high priest of Hades and is in charge of last rights of kings. He is described to be 7ft tall and extremely well built. His hair is of medium length and well kept, must like a son of a general should be. He has green eyes and carries a massive hammer of stygian ore, his armor is hidden by the cloak of death.


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