The Ourea Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Ourea

The primordial gods (protogenos) of the Mountains   Alignment: Varies   LORE:  Since the dawn of these primordial deities, they have been used by other primordial, gods, titans, giants, and mortals for their own selfish desires. The Ourea are made up of AITNA (Etna), ATHOS (Thrace), HELIKON (Helicon), KITHAIRON (Cithaeron), NYSOS (Nysus), OLYMPOS (Olympus), OREIOS (Oreus), PARNES, TMOLOS, and Parnassus.  When Parnassus rose to the heights he did, a discussion between the siblings occurred, she they become patrons.  With Parnassus having the deciding vote the mountains entered the realm of mortals once more.  Their goals of the mountains are simple, to enforce the rules set by the mountains on mortals.   Those who can't respect the mountain's wish are to be taught a lesson in humility.   The gods cannot interfere with the lives of mortals; therefore you will be the voice and reason of the mountain primordial. —Hecate.   Info: The Ourea have different personalities and flaws based on the respected mountains info.
  • Aitna (Etna): Stong and Patient, its mountain is the prison of Typhon, it is diligent and dutiful.
  • Athos (Thrace): Respectable and Calm, it views the duties of the Ourea, as a teacher and protector of the mortals.
  • Helikon (Helicon): Laid back and a bit of a showmen, it fancies himself a performer of the arts.  I am the number 1 fan of the Muses.
  • Kithairon (Cithaeron): Dedicated and Pretentious, it is a performer as well and got into a singing contest Helikon. 
  • Nysos (Nysus): Caring and thoughtful, Nysos once took care of Dionysus, and is concerned that the needs of the few will be overlooked by the many.
  • Olympus (Olympus): Self Righteous and Stubborn, it knows it is the most important mountain.
  • Orieso (Oreus): A proud and noble mountain range. Cold and calculating, it views itself as the most important mountain.
  • Parnes: A quiet and secluded hermit, it rarely interferes or communicates with anyone.
  • Tmolos: Flashy, judgmental, and stylish, or so it believes, Tmolos fancies itself the judge of performers of the realm.
  • Parnassus: Wise and Benevolent, it is the heart of the Ourea.
Ideals:  We were old when the gods were born, respect the gifts we provide or suffer our rath.   Bonds: Each other   Flaws: Their personalities and slow behavior conflicts with their ideal.   Symbol: Mountain Range   Worship:
  • Enforce the ideals of the Ourea
  • Spread their name with glory and power.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase one ability score by +4 to a max of 24   True Patron of the Ourea: Upon becoming the Patron of the Ourea, you become as sturdy and powerful as a mountain. You gain the following benefits and traits from serving them.
  • The Mountain: You can never be pushed back, if a deity tries you have advantage on the check to prevent that. Furthermore, any save that would knock you prone would be made with advantage.
  • The Eternal Peaks: You become immune to Disease, Petrification, Winded, Doom and Broken.
  • Limited Immunity: You are immune to earth damage and acid damage and suffer no vulnerabilities to wind damage.
  • The Golem: You can transform into the Golem for 1 Minute granting you enhanced benefits, once used a short rest is required to use again.
The Golem: You become covered in the stone of the mountain granting you the following benefits:
  • Stone Punch: In golem form your fist deals 3d6+Strength in bludgeoning damage, and 3d8 earth damage.
  • Your Strength Modifier becomes +6, during this time your melee attacks deal 3d8 extra earth damage.
  • You become resistant to all damage that is received, but it does not stack with anything else that reduces damage. It is the priority resistance when looking at other resistances.
  • You gain proficiency in Strength and Constitution saving throws if you don't have them already.
  • If hit by a critical strike, your stone skin explodes outward for 30ft, any enemy within that area must pass dexterity check or take 6d6 earth damage or half as much on a successful save.
  • You can meld in the earth and use your movement underground. As an action you may resurface, and any enemy within 15ft of you must pass a dexterity save or take 6d6 earth damage or half as much
  • Create an area underground with a radius of 30ft, you and your allies may use this rest, while resting you cannot be scryed upon or detected.


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