Rhea Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Titan Queen and Goddess of Fertility, Motherhood, and Generations   Alignment: Neutral Good   LORE: She is responsible for the end of the Titan Golden age, by saving Zeus, and most titans have never forgiven her. She is more protected than Athens and spends her days in the forest of Pan.  Although it hurts her heart that most of her siblings despise her, she is firm in her ideals.  She is all loving and full of hope, and she uses these traits to inspire and comfort those who need it. The heroes that have come across have referred to her as Grandma Rhea. When heroes are in need, they say that she appeared for them granting them aid. She is forever on the Run, and knows it is a matter of time before the titans capture her. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: In every sense of the word, she is a graceful and regal queen. She is honest, caring, and peaceful.   Ideals: A good parent is better than a good god.   Bonds: Her children, grandchildren, Hestia, and Pan.   Flaws: You could find doubt in her actions.   Symbol: Turret Crown   Worship:
  • Do what's right, even if it may lead to the end of your life.
  • Defend the weak and helpless
  • Live a fruitful life


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Constitution +4 to a maximum of 24   Save the Queen: +3 Shortsword (Divine) The blade of Rhea appears very modest and looks like your average shortsword. The blade almost looks as though it is a training sword with no sharp edges, and the hilt is wood and leather. A single heart shaped emerald lies in the pommel of the weapon, and it is held into place by silver and gold inlays.
  • This weapon is designed for anyone to use. The modifier associated with attack and damage rolls is the one modifier the character is best with. Patrons of Rhea automatically gain proficiency in this weapon.
  • Damage is 4d6+Dex Slashing
Traits of the Sword: The sword is sentient and carries the conscious of Rhea within in. It has an intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifier of +14, and is considered Neutral Good. The sword will not serve to harm innocence, the helpless, the weak, and or those who surrender. Patron's that head the word of Rhea receives the following benefits:
  • Vitality of the Queen: +20 to maximum health, and anytime you level up you can add +4 to your health rolls. This doesn't stack with the feat Tough.
  • Courage of the Queen: You are immune to fear from all sources.
  • Power of the Queen: When faced with a creature that is immensely powerful, you can activate the power of the queen for 1 minute to reduce all incoming damage of single attacks to 40.
  • Love of the Queen: The ability to feel the love of Rhea should be shared, should an ally go unconscious, you can give them as many hit dice as you have remaining to bring them back to vitality.
Turret Crown: Divine Artifact This elegant crown is celestial gold with emeralds lining the side. It is the symbol of the Queen and aids her patrons by granting them the following benefits.:
  • The Queen's Graces: Insight and Persuasion rolls are increased by +5
  • Voice of the Queen: You can use mass suggestion once per long rest:
  • Blessing of the Queen: You activate the blessing of the Queen and grant you and your allies within 30ft; 25 health, +1 to any rolls you make for the round. This blessing can be used three times per long rest.


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