Psykhe Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Goddess of the Soul   Alignment: Neutral Good   LORE: As the wife of Eros, being mortal cost her everything. Her love of him was great, but through trickery she was fooled into looking at his face, and instantly died. Upon realization that she was tricked, Eros made her a god, and she and him continued to blossom as husband and wife. She does not always agree with her husband but supports him less.  Primordial deities live by their nature, and his encompasses all of love. To ease his mind, she often heals the souls of those who see the worst side of him. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Soft Spoken and very faithful to her husband. She enjoys vacations to get her husband rest and is a cheerful talker.   Ideals: Love gives the voice a soul, do not let that be silenced.   Bonds: Eros, Noct, Rose, Eran, and her child.   Flaws: Unknown to most   Symbol: The body with an Aura inside.   Worship:
  • Help people find peace.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma and Wisdom by +2, can see enemy alignments.   Truest of Sight: You can see into the depths of a person's soul; there you find the deepest emotions and memories.  This grants you the following benefits:
  • You can see the alignment of anyone
  • You know when someone is lying, not what the lie is per say, but that they are lying.
  • Beings with a soul cannot hide from you by any means.
Soul Reversal: Feat You are very astute to the workings of the soul.  Your abilities allow you to enhance or end the benefits obtained from light and dark damage.  As a bonus action you can target a willing creature or on failed wisdom save an unwilling creature and do one of the following benefits:
  • You can end the weaknesses related to light or dark damage for a duration of 1 minute.   This does not remove the target's ability to do light or dark damage but removes the extra damage they take.
  • You can enhance the damage a target takes from light and dark damage for 1 minute.
  • You can enhance the damage done by light and dark damage, doubling the dice damage of the creature's light or dark damage.
Soul Release: Feat When a creature goes unconscious, you can release their soul, if they fail a charisma saving throw, they are sent to the afterlife and cannot be brought back by any means outside of divine actions.  Once used this feature cannot be used again for 7 days.   Soul Crush: Cantrip level Enchantment Casting Time: Action Range: 60ft Components: V, S Duration: Instant Concentration.   Should you choose to, you can attempt to crush a creature’s soul.  On a failed wisdom save, the creatures soul is crushed in the alignment they are weak too.   Creatures that fail this save are considered cursed for 1 minute.   Damage is increased to 2d10 at patron level 4, and 4d10 at patron level 5.


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