Pontus Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The primordial god (protogenos) of the sea   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   LORE: Just as Oceanus is the embodiment of the Ocean; Pontus is the sea.  He is not merely God of something, he is that something.  As a lesser primordial, he is immensely powerful and until recently sought no patrons.  This is because primordial deities do not require worship typically, and unlike Oceanus he did not suffer the loss of his status.  Pontus and his wife Thalassa typically did not take the shape of a god and preferred to remain neutral in all the affairs of man and gods.   This time has passed and now he seeks to forward his own goals and objective.  Delphi and foretold that his patrons would be immensely powerful, and with his Granddaughter Amphitrite constantly being treated disrespectfully by her family and the realm, the time has come to set them straight.   —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Like the Sea Pontus' mood changes on a whim, but with the recent threats levied towards his granddaughter he is a raging sea.   Ideals: Respect those who exist regardless of your wishes, they will be here long after you are gone.   Bonds: Thalassa, Gaia, Aether, The Ourea, Amphitrite, and his family.   Flaws: He is so old, it takes so much time to act, that the reason he chose to act has since passed.   Symbol: The Mediterranean Sea   Worship:
  • Understand the Sea and defend its family


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase one ability score by +6 to a max of 24   True Patron of the Sea: You become the embodiment of the sea and represent his will and power.  This power grants you the following benefits:
  • You can breathe and speak underwater.
  • You can communicate telepathically with creatures of the water.
  • You become immune to water damage and the soaked condition.
  • You gain the ability to shape, create, and control water and you have three charges to use these respective skills.  A long rest restores the charges.
  • You can use the polymorph spell to change into a water-based creature once per long rest.
The Embodiment of the Sea: The power granted to you from Pontus is one of extreme power and trust, and therefore you are granted the following benefits.   Casters: You gain the Cantrip Water Cannon:
  • Cantrip Evocation
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft
  • Components: V, S, M (Focal Point)
Channeling the power of Pontus, the elements are pulled from the surrounding area to the palm of your hand.   Within a moment the raging power of the sea can be felt, and your release a stream of immense power at a target within range.  On hit the creature takes 3d10+Mod in water damage, and if they fail a strength save, they are knocked back 60ft in straight line.   Any creatures you collide with must pass a dexterity save or take that damage in bludgeoning and should you collied with a solid object the damage is doubled.   Melee and Ranged melee Patrons:  Every time you attack with your weapon deals an additional 3d8+Mod in water damage, and on critical strikes the target is knocked prone and considered soaked.   The Power of the Sea: Calling upon Pontus you create a powerful storm centered on you with a radius of 30ft that lasts 1 minute. Enemies within the radius must pass a strength saving throw or become trapped within the storm taking 6d6+10 water damage and be considered soaked. Any structures within the domain take maximum damage, and if they are made of weaker materials they are destroyed. Enemies stuck within the storm must pass the strength save to leave the radius of the storm.
  • This ability can be used once every 7 days, and to do so you must roll a natural 20 on a religion check, and at level 20 you can use it automatically.  If you fail to summon this power, it will take 24 hours for it to be able to try again.
  • Any enemy that starts, ends, or moves into the radius of the storm must pass the strength save or take the damage.
  • As bonus action, you can cause lightning to strike an enemy if they fail a dexterity save, they take 3d6 lightning damage, the damage is double if the target is considered soaked.
  • concentration is required to keep the storm raging, any time you take damage you must make a check, and at the start of your next turn if you ahve not taken damage you need to pass concentration check against your patron DC.


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