Phobos Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The God of Fear     Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   LORE: One of the Sons of Aphrodite and Aries. Phobos does not care if you are good or evil, fear comes for us all. Usually even the bravest, the foolish, and stupid have the fear right before they die. He is the manifestation of that fear. Known for tormenting Hector in the battle of Troy, it is said that Hector could have put up a better fight if it were not for the gods tormenting him in his sleep. These days, you can find him on any battlefield or fight, tormenting the strong and weak to run away. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: When he is not in combat, he is calm and relaxed. Preferring a delightful book or training with his parents. In combat he is psychotic, sparing no enemy and is the embodiment of his father's carnage.   Ideals: Fear of death causes brave men to be cowards.   Bonds: His Brother, Eris, and his Parents.   Flaws: His lust for creating fear got him into harm’s way.   Symbol: Frightened Face   Worship:
  • Fear is powerful, utilize it.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase charisma and strength +2   Fear Itself: Being an incarnation of fear, your presence becomes overwhelming to the average person. This fear grants you the following benefits:
  • You gain advantage on all intimidation checks and gain expertise in the skill.
  • You become immune to all forms of fear.
  • Creatures that are frightened of you take an extra dice in damage.
  • If you roll a critical strike, the target must pass a wisdom save or become disabled by fear. The target can remake the save at the end of their turn.
  • Each creature that is frightened of you increases your AC and Attack rolls by 1 (maximum 3)
Terrifying Presence: As an action, all creatures within 60ft that you can see and select, must pass a wisdom save or become terrified of you for 1 minute. This fear is more intense, and therefore any creature that passes the save is not immune to future saves from fear by you.  This the Fear III (Terror) ailment, and can only be used once per long rest.   Debilitating fear: When a creature within sight of you makes an attack roll, skill check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to force them to re-roll. If the new roll causes the target to fail, the target must pass a wisdom save or become frightened of you and take 6d6 psychic damage. You can use this feature as many times your charisma modifier.


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