Phiobe Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Titan Goddess of Bright Intellect   Alignment: Chaotic Good   LORE: She was once one of the Goddess that held the control of the Oracle of Delphi. When Apollon was tasked to take control from her, she willingly passed it over. This was to the dismay of the Titan King, but after the defeat of her kind, she realized prophecies are one thing, but what people need more was intelligence. She is known for her blunt words towards Athena, who she believes does not fully utilize her gift. What is wisdom without the intelligence to know what do with your wisdom. This has resulted in arguments that no one wishes to listen to. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: He does care to involve himself in the politics of gods and kings. He is arrogant, prideful, bored, and corrupt.   Ideals: Wisdom without logic is guessing at best. Without intelligence we would be mere beasts.   Bonds: Prometheus, Asteria, Annake, Jaem, Leto, Apollo, and Artemis.   Flaws: When thinking of what is most logical, one can be heartless at times.   Symbol: Thinking Statue   Worship:
  • Always work on making oneself more intelligent.


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase intelligence +4 to a maximum of 24,   The Intellect: Feat Your patronage has allowed you to access the full limits of your mind, and with that increase perception you are far more capable of accomplishing your task.  This intelligence aids you in your future endeavors. 
  • A reaction you can increase any roll you or an ally makes 3 times per day by your intelligence.
  • The Professions of the realm are yours for the taking, and should you take up learning tool or a trade you can quickly become proficient with the item.   This works by using the item, and on three natural 20's while using the tool, you gain proficiency in that tool.
  • You learn every language and can read, write, and speak fluently. 
  Analyze and Detect: Your ability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies and allies, as a bonus action you can analyze any creature that you can and on a failed intelligence save, you learn their immunities, resistance, preferred damage.   The Teacher: Feat You may take time to teach your allies to use a skill, profession, kit, weapon, or armor. The time you must spend at minimum is 1 hour, doing so gives them proficiency in that for 1 hour for each hour spent learning. The student must beat you in an intelligence check to gain this benefit.   The Scholar: Feat If you spend an hour studying an object of any kind you can learn its magical properties, who it could have belonged to, and what is required to use said object. You may do this once per long rest.


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