Paneakia in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Goddess of Cures and Panaceas   Alignment: Neutral Good   LORE: The daughter of Asclepius is quite brilliant when it comes to modifying potions.  She wholeheartedly believes everyone deserves treatment in a time of need and does not charge for necessary treatment.  Regardless of their alignment everyone should have the chance to live and change their situations.  Her father taught her that a doctor should do no harm, but he feels that she has taken that too seriously.  He will always love her but hopes her ideals do not cause her harm. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Selfless, Kind, and Passionate about her work.   Ideals: If you can help people, you should regardless of who they are.   Bonds: Asclepius, her family, and the Half Pints.   Flaws: Not everyone shares her ideals.   Symbol: A Potion   Worship:
  • Heal Others


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Intelligence and Constitution +2, +5 to medicine and arcana.   The Good Doctor: You gain the blessing of Paneakia, and as long as you never turn away the sick are granted the following benefits with her Patronage.
  • Medicine and Arcana rolls are increased by +5
  • You gain immunity to Disease and Poisons of level 1 through 3, as well as advantage on saving throws you are not immune to.
  • When you purchase potions of healing properties, you can enhance them to heal for the maximum amount possible.   The potions are enhanced for 24 hours, and you may only enhance three per day.
Panacea: Divine Artifact This elixir heals for the highest minimum possible health achievable in the gain.   You gain one panacea per day, and it can be used to heal a target for fifty health. Furthermore, this potion can heal any ailment not divine that is affecting the target.   Nectar of Life: Divine Artifact In her centuries of study and practice of her domain, she finally has developed a potion that can bring people back to life.   This potion restores the life a creature that has died in the last minute and does not require a coin of the boatman to present to do so.
  • This potion cannot be recreated by any means.
  • Once used, you will no longer have access to this potion.  Better not to draw the ire of the God of Death.
  • The potion can restore all lost limbs and cures the target of any ailment that was affecting them.


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