Menoitios Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Titan God of Rash Action and Violent Rage   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   LORE: One of the youngest original Titans, Menoetius is known for his rash and violent actions against all who challenge him. During the 3rd Titanomachy war, he honored no quarter and neutralities, you were either with him or against him. When the Titan King and Zeus were demanded to stand down by the primordial deities, he led an attack against Olympus. Destroying a lot of the original palace, leaving no traces of Olympia left. For his actions Zeus unleashed a vicious number of thunderbolts blasting him the underworld.  Not much is known about his whereabouts today. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: The incarnation of the carnage and brutality of war.   Extremely rash and aggressive, he is more likely to settle disputes violently.    Ideals: Those who hesitate fail.   Bonds: The Titan King and Hyperion.   Flaws: Everything about him is a flaw.   Symbol: Battle Cry   Worship:
  • Be vicious in combat, even if they surrender send a message.


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Strength by +2, Constitution and Charisma by +1. Resistance to Fear, and immune to shaken.   Rash Action: Feat Once per short rest you can increase your initiative by a charisma check.   Should you attack first, you strikes are considered critical at 16-20, and enemies that fail a wisdom save are considered disabled by fear.   The target is considered disabled if they are frightened of you.   Enemies effected by this fear can remake the saving throw at the end of their turn.   Carnage: Feat When you land a critical strike, you can increase the damage by 2d8+Charisma.   You can use your reaction to attack 1d3 more times, but at the end of the attacks you are considered berserk until you pass a wisdom save equal to your patron dc.   Outrage: Feat Whenever an enemy lands a critical strike, you can use your reaction to activate outrage.  While in this state of outrage, you can move double your movement towards the target to attack them.   Any creature in the path of the enemy you are attacking must pass a dexterity save or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone.   If you can get to the enemy that attacked you, you can make two attacks with disadvantage, the attack on hit deal double damage.
  • Any non-divine ailments affecting your body and mind end.
  • At the end of your turn, you are considered berserked.
  • This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.


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