Lupa Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The All-Knowing Goddess adopted Mother to the Roman founders Remus and Romulus   Alignment: Neutral   LORE: Lupa has had some extensive history and lore, and it is one of tragedy, despair, pride, and rebirth.  A long time ago, she aided the founders of Rome as children. When Remus and Romulus turned out to be not what she hoped, she asked them to step down, and instead they killed her.  As fate would have it, the gods were not done with her, and she was born in a realm of infinite possibilities.  This realm was ruled by a race of dragons called Great Wyrms, the leaders were twin siblings named Laureline "The Wise" and Astarot "The Intellect", and they were charged with the evolution of humanity.  Humanity, male wyrm Astarot lost faith in humanity and believed that they were better destroyed than allowed to destroy.     To do this, he received the help of his father and took the godhood away from the gods of the realm.  The Last God, Kiran, Enlisted the help of Lupa, and through his divine power, Lupa experienced enhanced evolution to fight the Wyrms.   Thus, the Praetors were born, but in the end the only thing Kiran, Laureline, and Lupa could do was seal this terrible creature.   Lupa's kin were slain, and her mate taken hostage, but the seal was working, and in a moment of hope, Astarot sunk his teeth into Kiran.  His godhood was quickly fading, and he used his last remaining godhood to send Lupa to another realm.  Lupa pleaded not to go, she had nothing left, but Kiran said, "One day the seal will fade, and you will be needed to bring Astarot down.  Granting her godhood as he teleported her away, she watched in horror as Kiran was slain.      Once again Lupa was reborn in another realm and spent a millennium teaching her remaining pack to fight wyrms.   They continued to evolve, and Lupa became increasingly stronger and stronger.   With the arrival of the Calamity of this realm, her shores were invaded by a group of Golden-haired Elves looking for safety.   She denied them at once, but as they honored her wishes, a servant of Astarot has found her new home.   When he was about to sink a terrible weapon into the Goddess Lupa, their king Hector stepped in the way of the blade, and with his death Lupa killed this servant.   Lupa, being divine, understood taht even she needed followers to fight her greatest enemies.  She granted the remaining Golden Haired elves sanctuary.   They would protect and hide her kin, and she would judge whether their rulers were worthy to rule.   Things were going as planned, but alas, once again this realm was meeting its end.  The arrival of a mysterious deity known as the Black flame brought about the end of days.  The current king of the Elves Destin left to stop the end, but all that was accomplished was failure.   It appeared to be that this black flame would finally bring the end of Lupa and her pack, but the light of King Destin swayed this deity, and Lupa, her pack, and the Elves were allowed to leave the realm.  No one is sure why this deity allowed her leave, but she believes it had everything to do with King Destin.      Brought to the realm of Crossroads, Destin and Lupa were granted the island of Ogygia by Calypso, and there they remain.   Destin still became an important king of the realm and protects her pack to this day.   Lupa on the other hand, continues her training of the pack, they have evolved into the Apex beast, and one that can slay any wyrm or dragon.   She never forgot what Kiran said, and one day she will get revenge on the wyrm that took everything from her.      Personality Traits: Strict, Motherly, Proud, Strong, and Vicious when need be.   Ideals: There can only be one Apex, and that is me.   Bonds: Destin, Raelune, Calypso, Pan, and Artemis.   Flaws: Pride comes before the fall.   Worship:
  • Slay wyrms and dragons
  • Slay unfit kings and queens


  Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Strength and Constitution by +2 to a max of 24   Rebirth: (Non Patron)   Lupa has a unique ability to allow people to change their races to whatever races will allow them.   Pillar races, divine, and certain powerful races do allow people to become their race without their consent.  Lupa is also the gatekeeper to access the races Praetor and Golden-haired Elves.  The cost of this change is 50k Gold, and its non-negotiable if you want to keep your head.   Lupa's Fang: (Patron) +3 Weapon Fashioned as any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage.  This fang grants you benefits when fighting dragons, Dragonborns, half dragons, Exalted and Great Wyrms.  The blade becomes an ivory white magical weapon, and typically has her fur worked into the design of the hilt.   You deal an extra dice of damage to dragons, dragonborn, Half-Dragons, Exalted, and Great Wyrms.  You have an advantage on any dragon related skill or breath attack saves.  
  • Weapon increases all strength checks by +5
  • Deals an extra dice of damage to the favored enemies of Lupa.
  • You cannot be charmed or dominated while holding this weapon.
  • Critical Strikes deal level 3 bleeding. 
Praetorian Armor: Half Plate +3 This fur inlayed armor is quite comfortable and has fur cape and hood.   While wearing this armor you gain the following benefits.  
  • You gain resistance to the effects of Deadlands and Desert of the Immortals.
  • You gain advantage on all saves related to dragon attacks and effects.
  • Resistant to Bleed, Poison, and Doom.


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