Leto Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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Titan God of Motherhood and Protection of the youth   Alignment: Neutral Good   LORE: Leto the mother of Apollon and Arte-mis through her relations with Zeus. She was chased across the land by Hera while she was pregnant, and Hera said she may not have the child on land or sea. With the help of Zeus, she gained access to the floating island of Delos, and gave birth to twins there. Hera in her fury, cursed the island and became just a regular island. Due to what Hera did, she promised that Apollon would never leave the island's grace. He protects the island to this day. Leto has spent millennia being proper and respectful, with the threat of titans pursuing her mother, she has picked up the spear and bow of her children and is prepared to defend her from all enemies. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Leto is the definition of the term lady like, she is proper and polite, and stays out of people's way. Family is always first, and the wrath of the mother is a terrifying experience for mortals and gods alike.   Ideals: One should act in a way that brings respect to one's ancestors.   Bonds: Her Children, Grandchildren, family, and Patrons.   Flaws: Her prior decisions caused her family to be put in harm's way.   Symbol: The Golden Fleece.   Worship:
  • Behave in a proper way.
  • Don't stand out and make a scene.


  Gained when Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase any two ability scores by two to a max of twenty-two.   Properness and Demureness: You can maintain yourself in a dignified and proper way and gain the ability to control your emotions and mask your intentions. You gain the following benefits:
  • Insight, Deception, and Persuasion rolls are increased by +5.
  • Should you fail a save that would affect your mentality (things healed by mind mending), you may choose to pass instead once per long rest.
  • You may choose a tool to have proficiency with.
Sun and Moon: Spear and Longbow +3, Divine   Hephaestus made the weapons of Leto to assist her in protecting her family and home. The Spear was fashioned after her son, and it is very ornate and stands out, and beautiful sun shaped rub lies on its hilt.  The bow represents her daughter and is a modest beautiful with enchanted unicorn hair for the string that glows brightly.  
  • The Bow and Spear deal an additional 3d8 in radiant damage.
  • The Bow is capable of dealing level 4 bleed on critical strikes, being the only way to inflict this status, it deals the same amount of damage as level 3 bleed but gives the target half movement and disadvantage on dexterity, constitution, and strength saving throws.
  • The Spear is capable of dealing level 4 burn on critical strikes, being the only way to inflict this status, it deals the same amount of damage as level 3 burn, but gives the target blindness and disadvantage on wisdom, intelligence, and charisma saving throws.


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