Kaliope Myth in Patron: The Crossroads | World Anvil
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The Eldest Sister of the Muses   Alignment: Neutral   LORE: Muses are the inspiration to the arts, and they are the entertainers of divine courts. So beautiful are they that people forget they are divine. It was common for mortals to try to capture one, so they may not ever need inspiration again, but alas that ended with their quick deaths. Kaliope is the muse of music, song, and dance, and enjoys helping bards accomplish their task. She is known for her love of Apollon more than anything else.  At times it is stalkerish, but neither mind. —Hecate.   Personality Traits: Incredibly good at singing and performing, she loves to judge music.  She nerds out about Apollon abilities and his wonderful voice.   Ideals: Inspiration is the greatest feeling known.   Bonds: The Other Muses, Destin, Apollon, and Magness.   Flaws: While she is brilliant at inspiring others, she doesn't take the time to see who she is inspiring.     Symbol: Lyre   Worship:
  • Inspire others


Gained When Selected   Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma by +3, and Dexterity +1.    The Inspired: The Inspiration the goddess provides grants your character +5 to persuasion and performance rolls made.   The Elder Muse:   Artifact You gain a lute when choosing the Goddess. This lute is capable of many things, but its goal is to aid and inspire others around you.
  • Musical Notes: You can strum the lute to do a ranged spell attack.   On hit, the target takes 2d10+Cha in psychic damage.  On hit, the target must pass a wisdom save or suffer -1d4 on their attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. 
  • Fan of Apollon: You are granted access to the Ballads of Apollon and may choose songs equal to your charisma modifier.   
  • Note: The number of spells and level of spells are determined by your charisma modfier.   Each modifier is worth 1 level 1 spell, but you can use multiple modifiers to get a level 2 or 3.   So, if you have 5 you can choose 1 level one ballad, and two level 2 ballads, 5 level 1 ballades, or 2 level 1 ballads, and 1 level 3 ballad.
The Muse: Feat You become the tool of the Goddess to inspire allies in and out of combat.   If you are playing your lute, you can inspire your allies to accomplish their goals.
  • In Combat: You can use your action to play music.   While your music is playing you can use your reaction to increase skill checks, saving throws, and/or attacks rolls by your charisma.  The song lasts 1 minute and once used you must finish a long rest to use it again.
  • Out of Combat: You can play music for 1 hour, during this hour, allies have advantage on skill check rolls, and once the song ends, they gain 2d12 temporary health.   This does not stack within any other health gain temporarily. 


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